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"Ask Dr. Stupid"

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  • How does SSI submit back pay in regards to a lifelong case?

    My wife and my daughter have been getting SSI since birth due to a spinal condition. I regularly report my income and as a result my daughter's case is correct and current. What we did not know is that my wife and daughter have different workers even though they live in the same household. Due to this they had my last reported income on my wife's case at a very high amount. We reviewed both cases and got a letter stating acknowledgment that they owe my Wife $7,200. My questions are the following:

    Since she has had her disability since birth she had no waiting period she got her benefit right away and has continued for 30 years. What is the time frame she will get her money.

    What will be the method? the back pay is less than one full years max SSI benefit so will that mean she gets it in one lump sum or in three checks?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Back payment payout rules for SSI?

    My wife and daughter both receive SSI due to a severe spinal condition and have since each of them were born. I reported all my income for my daughter's case. They did not forward the same information for my wife's case. Due to this they had my income set as 3,000 a month when in fact since 2006 due to the economy it has dramatically dropped. So they owe my wife a back payment of

    $ 7,200. My question is what are the rules in how this is distributed? I have heard a variety of ways but I am unsure as to which are correct.

    I saw how in one case they gave it out in installments every three months with each payment reflecting 3 times the maximum allowed SSI monthly award amount. Is this correct?

    If it matters we live in California.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What does my eye prescription mean in common terms?

    Right eye = Spherical -9.75 Cylinder -1.25 Axis 035

    Left eye = Spherical -9.50 Cylinder -2.00 Axis 145

    I am 33 and my eyes are still getting worse be it ever gradual in decline.

    2 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • What hotels in San Diego accept Debit or cash?

    I have had my identity stolen before and now I refuse to use credit cards. No one will burn me again! I am planning to take a trip down to San Diego and am wondering if any of you knew of debit or cash friendly hotels. Also if there is a deposit what is the amounts you paid? Thanks.

    5 AnswersSan Diego1 decade ago
  • What is my screen name in reference to?

    First to get it gets all the points!

    5 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What is the SSI disability payment amount for the state of NY.?

    My wife and daughter both recieve SSSi due to being fully disabled. We live in CA but want to move to NY to be closer to family. I have checked the websites but can not get a solid answer.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Tiny Toy Poodle?

    I am getting a Tiny Toy poodle puppy from my assistant at work. His Wife has 6 and they are all purebred. He said they will be inbetween 4 and 6 pounds fully grown. Can anyone give me information on these little wonder balls? Anything at all would help! I just couldnt resist it when he is selling them to me for almost nothing. they are white with brownish pink noses and blue eyes.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help on finding Pagan rock bands?

    I have been Pagan for some time but aside from the obv Pagan bands I can not find many sources for new and current bands. I love music and my faith so of course I would love to combine them with new music. Anyone have a band to check out or a link? Bright Blessings!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • More Princess Bride triva!?

    What is the NFL team displayed on the boys wall at the begining of the film? What game was he playing and for what video game system? First one to get it all right gets the points!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • can you get ten points?

    In the film, "The Princess Bride" What is the name of the substance that kills the Sicilian in the battle of wits?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • is it fair????

    Is it fair that Tomlinson does not have to play in any preseason games? I think they are setting a bad example. I understand he is a star player and they want to protect him for the regular season but who else thinks this is wrong?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • family history?

    Can anyone help lead me to sites to find obituaries and family search info that IS NOT a pay site?

    3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me a satisfaction rating for the toughbook laptops?

    I was thinking about getting a toughbook notebook but wonder if it is indeed worth the price or if I should just stick to Sony.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Fridge is not running, what do I do?

    I got a refridgerator from a friend. When they moved it here they laid it down on a truck for the 30 minute trip. Now the fridge will not get cold and it has been on for over 24 hours. I have the settings at the middle like it says to and the light turns on but still not any difference in temp...HELP!!!

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Chargers deserve to lose?

    Did the Chargers become their worst enemy? They had the game handed to them and they tossed it away. Now there is talks that Marty will lose his coaching position...but all I can say is he wasnt the one who lost the game. Anyone else think they just gave up? Guess I will route for the Saints now

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago