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Will McDonald’s heat up my Whopper in their microwave oven?
Favourite answer:You can ask but probably not. If you have a microwave use yours. Or put it in the oven on low heat until it warms up.
8 AnswersFast Food1 week ago - 13Upvotes of all answers to this question
If a restaurant delivery driver gave you the WRONG order which far exceeded what you had purchased, would you still accept and eat it?
Well over $100 worth of food which the delivery driver would have to pay for.
4 AnswersOther - Dining Out7 days ago - 3Upvotes of all answers to this question
Can Restaurants chose to open for dining?
Most restaurants like fast food can reopen for dining but some are just choosing not to and using covid as an excuse can they legally do that?
10 AnswersOther - US Dining Out2 weeks ago - 5Upvotes of all answers to this question
Where does Subway get it's mayo from ?
every time I eat a tuna sandwich or a sandwich with mayo I get the shits .
16 AnswersFast Food2 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
Is there a sauce that you would love to get lost in?
6 AnswersOther - US Dining Out1 week ago - 25Upvotes of all answers to this question
McDonald's made me fat can I sue?
27 AnswersFast Food2 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
why do restaurants have tables so close to the bathroom?
did they think i was actually going to eat at that table?
7 AnswersOther - Dining Out2 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
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Why is working for fast food restaurants such hell?
I don't understand why managers think they can get away with screaming at employees and playing favoritism. Especially if the employee is African American. I've seen one African American employee doing all the work by their self and the other employees AND managers letting them struggle to death. The managers would scream at the African American employee and belittle them. Is it a common thing with fast food restaurants to cause such a prison like environment. The workers always have an attitude and get angry at you for asking questions. Which leaves you to struggle and get screamed by customers also. This is the 4th time I had to deal with abusive managers and employees who bullied me. It doesn't matter if it a juice bar or McDonald's,Wendy's, Taco Bell, El pollo loco, or any other stupid fast food chain. Corporation doesn't seem to care nor does franchised owned restaurants. Is there any reason why managers and workers at these restaurants can't learn respect. Many people had told me I have good customer service and told me they have never seen good customer service at any of these stupid food chains. Is there a reason for the bullying in these restaurants?!?! Why are so many of them racist?!?!
10 AnswersFast Food3 weeks ago - 2Upvotes of all answers to this question
Hardee’s or Arby’s?
21 AnswersFast Food3 weeks ago - 0Upvotes of all answers to this question
Is ''I will have had been...'' correct?
If we go to McDonalds for lunch everyday I will have had eaten 30 burgers by the end of the month.
A perfected moment in the hypothetical future?
7 AnswersFast Food3 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
How does McDonald's fit into the hospitality industry?
What can I compare McDonald's to? and some examples
6 AnswersFast Food2 weeks ago - 6Upvotes of all answers to this question
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Krispy Kreme vs Dunkin’ Donuts who is better ?
26 AnswersFast Food3 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
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Which grocery stores sell good sandwiches?
15 AnswersLos Angeles3 weeks ago - 0Upvotes of all answers to this question
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The signs about washing your hands in the restrooms of restraunts and fast food joints, arent those are only meant for the employees there?
I don't like to waste my time washing hands and I'm lazy, so I'm just trying to make sure that those signs saying you have to wash your hands only apply to employees at restraunts and fast food joints. After all, they're the ones on the job, not me! I'd rather not do any routines while on my free time!
16 AnswersFast Food4 weeks ago