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Lv 615,765 points

Gallivanting Galactic Gadfly

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Belief in a comforting absurdity is just belief in absurdity. Calling belief in a comforting absurdity faith is still just belief in absurdity.

  • Can BOTH Christians and Atheists Try To Explain This?

    If it takes 3 men 4 days to dig 5 holes, why did God make the dirt so heavy that 2 of the men needed hospital treatment for back problems but only one of those men was an atheist.

    Does this mean that God loves holes in the ground nearly as much as He loves the dirt that comes out of them?

    Please give as many Biblical references as possible to support your answers.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me decide?

    I am really finding it difficult to decide which religion is more insane: Chritianity or Islam (yeah I know this is like asking which ocean is more wet, the Atlantic or the Pacific, but hey).

    Now I figure that in term of insanity of core beliefs, you have pick Chrisianity here (nb: Creationists are excluded from this since they are so hopelessly insane there wouldn't be any contest left if they were included). However when it comes to the insanity of believers, I feel Islam easily has the edge here with the number of pyschotic followers it clearly attracts.

    So I'm finding it just too tough to call - can you help me decide.

    And if there are any relgious wackos reading this, please be aware I already realize that:

    - I am evil

    - I am going to hell (oh no, not HELL!)

    - God still loves me anyway (or have I gone too far this time?)

    - you will pray for me (you will, won't you?)

    - I am secretly searching for meaning in my life but won't admit it

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would anyone say 'No' to Jesus?

    Surely we have advanced far enough in this day and age to be polite enough to say 'No thank you' to Jesus. Doesn't it just make you sick.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can this proof that God loves you be challenged?

    If God didn't love you, He wouldn't give you an incentive to get to Heaven - instead, He would just let you go your own foolish way. But because God really loves you, He created Hell where He will torture without mercy for all eternity anyone who doesn't believe in Him. OK, so any human who acted like this would be branded a sadisitic psychotic monster and even if man was made in the image of God but we can't say that God is a sadistic psychotic monster because then we will go to Hell where we would be tortured without mercy for all eternity by the loving God. So it is clear that God loves you so much He is prepared to torture you without mercy for all eternity if you don't love Him back. Now what could be better proof that God loves you than that?

    16 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • Can any atheist deny this certain proof that God exists?

    Here is the proof - God exists because you can communicate with Him directly through prayer!

    When you pray for something and it happens, that is God answering your prayer by saying 'yes'

    When you pray for something and it doesn't happen, that is God answering your prayer by saying 'no.

    In either case, you get a direct answer from God, so God must exist.

    Well atheists, I guess you haven't got too much to say now, have you.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago