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Good healthy chips?
I'm looking for a decent tasting healthy chip. Not just like potato chips, more like Tostitos, that are good for salsa dipping. I found some natural baked Tostitos but they still seem to leave plenty of salt on my fingers after a couple.
13 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoBlock certain pages in firefox?
Is there a way to block only certain URLs from opening in FireFox? For example, my schools website likes to open a new tab complaining about my version of Java, which I know is fine and the actual website works fine. Is there some way to prevent Firefox from ever opening this tab? I've tried Blocksite and Adblock, they just seem to block all the content on the page, I don't want the tab to open at all.
4 AnswersInternet1 decade agoUpsampling mp3s?
If my download service gives me DRM-wma at 192kbps, is there any good converting them to 320kbps or is that just wasting space, or should I just keep the converted mp3's at 192?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWireless printer addon?
My printer for my laptop is at an inconvenient location for the USB cord, and I'm annoyed at having to wrap it around to plug into the laptop. Are there any wireless USB addons I could plug in, similar to a wireless mouse set, to print from?
1 AnswerPrinters1 decade agoBest MLB Record Ever?
What MLB team has had the best record (most wins) in a season since there have been 162 games in a season?
13 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago