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Ellen J
Why is gold recommended to everyone as something to buy as protection?
from a financial crash when most people don't have thousands of dollars sitting in a bank account and they have nothing better to do with it than buy gold? Gold is too unrealistically expensive for the average investor. Is there anything that an average person can buy that will provide some kind of financial protection in case the dollar crashes?
7 AnswersInvesting1 decade agoShould a married person leave their spouse for a reason such as "I don't love them anymore?"?
Is this a good reason to leave? If they have children would it be OK or not to leave for this reason?
23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs anyone out there aware of the fact that German and Italian Americans were also put into detainment camps?
during World War II? Also, that some of the worst actions were taken against the Germans some of whom were sent back to Germany along with their American families during the war? Also some Germans were not let out of the camps until 2 years after the war ended? Why isn't this fact in the history books?
12 AnswersHistory1 decade agoAre entering college students as well educated as they were 10 years ago, 20 years ago?
I'm observing by reading Yahoo questions that many young people seem to have limited vocabularies and atrocious spelling and grammar skills. They also seem to lack knowledge in many academic areas. Is this just because the better spoken and educated kids don't come to this site? Is it because kids are not being educated as well as they used to be?
When I was in high school and entering college I KNOW that my fellow classmates had better skills then this. Could the educational system really have fallen this far in 30 or 40 years?
13 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoI'm refinancing to make repairs on my house. Please see details.?
I only have a credit score in the 600 range because of a bankruptcy. I've been offered over 20,000 cash back with a interest rate or 6.5% but I've been told that this would be an impossible offer for me because of my credit. I was also advised that this may be a scam and all these terms will be changed on the paperwork they give me to sign.
My house is worth around 175,000 to 200,000 and I owe only 77,000 on my current mortgage. Is this deal too good to be true or should I take it? This is a large company making the offer.
10 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoI want to purchase a cellphone. I don't need any extras, I just want to carry it in my car for emergencies.
I want the minutes I buy with the phone to be permanent as in, "I don't want to buy new minutes every month when I probably didn't use any of the minutes I bought the month before." Is there such a thing?
7 AnswersCell Phones & Plans2 decades ago