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  • How can I upgrade my Verizon DSL speed?

    How can I upgrade my Verizon DSL speed? I'm interested in upgrading my speed from 760 Mbps to 7.1 Mbps / 768 Kbps for $39.99/month. I'm desiring faster speeds because the tasks I do. What number should I call to upgrade my speed?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How do I create an image with text below the picture?

    How do I create an image like this. I don't know how to do it and I don't know what it's called. Image: ;

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I have a strict father. Please help!!!?

    My dad is very strict and overprotective. He rules my life (like a dictator). He claims not to be strict. When I make a simple mistake, he yells at me and call me names. When I don't answer the phone, he yells at me. He uses profanity to scare me. He also accuses me of not understanding English, even it is my native language, due to a diagnoses of autism. I do understand English, but I have a hard time communicating because I have "autism". He want me to be a 100% perfect person and he stills yells at me if I don't. This is like treatment in Nazi Germany to me. He is being a zero tolerance person. I'm 14. I will use faith, G-d, and the Bible to resolve this chaos. I will be brave to talk to him. What should I do to fix this problem (chaos) with my dad?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Does a theme park need a USDA license to operate a stagecoach?

    I was wondering that a theme park need a USDA license to operate aage stagecoach. Does a theme park like Knott's Berry Farm that operate a stagecoach have a USDA license? I try to search for answers but can't find it. I'm trying to see if Knott's Berry Farm have/need a license to operate the stagecoach.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My TV won't show some channels sometimes. What should I do to fix the problem?

    I have a problem with some channels not showing up. I've scanned the converter box and some channels won't show up. The channels that won't show up are channel 7, 9, 11, and 13. I live in the Los Angeles area. My dad tried to adjust the outdoor antenna while I scanned the set top box and channels won't pop up. He got frustrated and I tried to calm him down. All channels except 7, 9, 11, and 13 show up. Those channels don't work. What should I do to get those channel back without getting frustrated? How can I adjust the antenna to get those channels?

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • I'm of Thai Chinese ancestry. Should I classified as Chinese American too?

    My mother and father grandparents were Chinese. They may immigrated from China and may intermarried with the native Thai people a century ago. I heard my mother may be Indian too, however, that may not be true. They came from Bangkok. Now, my parents live in the United States and I was born here. I currently classify as Thai American. However, because of my ancestry, I should also classified as Chinese American. Should I classified as Chinese American because I'm of Thai and Chinese (Thai Chinese) descent?

    4 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • How do I make a good Chinese name? Some suggestions please?

    I want a Chinese name because of my heritage. I've never gotten a Chinese name because my family assimilation into the Thai ethnic group. I am Thai and part Chinese so I want a Chinese name. The Chinese name I made is "Zhao Lintai". Someone on Yahoo! Answers said that name is not good because it looks like Mrs. Lin when using Chinese characters. That is only best name I can make. For my surname, "Chosawasdi", I need to see where that surname come from.

    I think the "Cho" is Cantonese or Min Nan. It has nothing to do with Korean. Can you suggest a Chinese name? I want a Chinese name that has words related to strength and success. I even want to find out my original Chinese surname. I want a surname that looks like my current one. Should I use "Zhao Lintai" as my Chinese name or can I have suggestions please?

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How do I get a Chinese name if my family is using only Thai names?

    My name is Warin Jet Chosawasdi. I have never gotten a Chinese name even if I'm of partial Chinese ancestry. I'm Thai and partial Chinese and my family uses only Thai names. "Warin" is a not a English name and I want a English (Indo-European) given name. I want a Chinese name because of my heritage. My surname, Chosawasdi may come from a Chinese surname. The "Cho" part sounds like Cantonese or Min Nan and that how I trace my ancestry. My surname is not Korean. I think the original surname is Cao or Zhao. I use Chao (Wade-Giles) for identical purposes. I don't have a Chinese given name. My want my Chinese given name to be some imagery and strength (energy), I think of. Because of this, my new Chinese name is "Zhao Lintai"; "Chao Lintai" in Wade-Giles. Is this a great Chinese name for me?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • I have a problem deleting my old Yahoo! account?

    On Friday, February 13, 2009, I deleted my old Yahoo! account and there was an error. The error is the page stopped loading after I click "Terminate This Account" and I got a pop up from Mozilla Firefox requesting that I load it again, but i didn't. I went to Google. I tried to delete it again and it request me to enter password and the account is gone. I didn't not get an E-mail to my alternative E-mail address stating my Yahoo! account got deleted. I tried to sign in again but I can't (locked out) I did it again and same results. I tried to contact Yahoo! tech support, but the contact page just reload and get cleared. Did my account got deleted already? Should I leave it alone and wait for 4 months to automatically delete? What should i do to fix this problem?

    2 AnswersPassword and Sign In1 decade ago