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How big of a meltdown will Trump have?
Michelle Obama won a Grammy for her Spoken Word Album, Becoming. Trump, who never won any awards is going to freak out and go on a twitter-tantrum, how bad will it be?
11 AnswersPolitics1 year agoWill Trump brag abou this?
Trump went to Game 5 of the World Series and when they announced his name the crowd booed him, flipped him off and chanted Lock Him Up! Can he now brag that he had a larger crowd of people booing him than President Obama ever had?
6 AnswersPolitics2 years agoHow much will Trump's new wall cost?
Today Trump announced he'll be building a wall along the Colorado border. I'm not sure who he plans to keep out with it but the question is, in order to build the wall over the Rocky Mountains how much will that cost?
7 AnswersPolitics2 years agoHow soon will Trump invade Iran?
In 2002 Bush pulled troops out of Afghanistan and moved the to Saudi Arabia for the purpose of invading Iraq. Trump is pulling troops out of Syria and moving them to Iraq. So what will the WMD lie be this time? What will Trump do in order to distract, or as the cons call it "wag the dog" from the impeachment investigation with a costly and bloody war? And how quickly will the media fall in line to support it all?
8 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWhy are they changing the meaning?
After pointing out the heroes that stormed the beaches of Normandy were the first Anti Fascists faux "news" is now trying to say ANTIFA stands for Anti Freedom Of Speech. How low will the conservative element sink to protect Nazis in America?
5 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWill they boot his car?
Trump owes the city of El Paso over $500,000 from his campaign stop a few months back. So while he's pandering to his audience pretending to have empathy for the people he got killed will the city boot his car until he pays them?
6 AnswersPolitics2 years agoDo conservatives enjoy being lied to?
Trump is claiming victory in his tariff war with Mexico, except. The actual deal he's taking credit for was made months ago and not part of the current negotiations. He also claimed Mexico would be buying more American farm goods but officials from Mexico deny any such deal was made. Finally Mexico made vague promises to reduce immigration through their country but no real deal to enforce the new plan. So, conservatives are happy to celebrate the "victory" but as the truth comes out do they enjoy once again being lied to?
20 AnswersMythology & Folklore2 years agoWill the conservative Supreme Court overturn Loving v. Virginia next?
And will Mitch McConnell complain or will he comply and get a divorce?
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years agoDo conservatives ever get tired of being played for saps?
Or do they actually enjoy giving large sums of money to conmen?
6 AnswersPolitics2 years agoIs Trump becoming everything the conservatives fear?
Trump is putting an occupying force of federal troops in the border states. He's stealing money from Veterans to pay for his wall. He signed an executive order giving oil companies free reign over states, a violation of States Rights. He told the head of the Border Patrol to do as they please since he will grant them amnesty the minute they are arrested. He is exploding the national debt. He is doing everything the conservatives claimed they feared from "those liberals". So will the conservatives revolt against him since he's everything they feared?
5 AnswersPolitics2 years agoDo the conservatives understand that the Mueller report is just the end of the first act?
As far as the drama of Washington politics goes the Mueller report was just the end of the first act. We aren't even to intermission yet. The House will demand the full report, not just a summary letter from a Trump appointee and once they get a copy they'll decide if it warrants an impeachment investigation, act 2. If they truly think this is over I guess they didn't pay attention to the investigations headed by Republicans over the past 30 years.
7 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWill the conservatives be calling for a full release of the Mueller report?
Answers has been flooded with conservatives celebrating the Mueller report and mocking "the liberals". Since they are so sure the report exonerates Trump will they be calling for a full release of the report and demanding that William Barr hold nothing back? Will that teach those liberals a thing or two?
8 AnswersPolitics2 years agoAre the conservatives happy?
For many years conservatives have been accidentally taking socialist tax deductions but Trump and McConnell have now saved them from the scam. Now they get to pay higher patriotic taxes. Are they happier finding out they aren't the victim of socialism anymore?
8 AnswersPolitics2 years agoIs there anyone who doesn't know what Trump would say in his SOTU speech?
If Trump were to give a State of the Union speech we all know it would be "I am great, everything I've done is great" and then he'd go into "The Democrats are horrible, they hate America, they want terrorists to come into the country" and he'd conclude with the whole "witch hunt" bit. Do we really need to hear that again? Couldn't he just do a SOTU tweet and save us all the time?
3 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWhat will Donald Trump say about this?
Gallup polls has found that former President Barack Obama is the Most Admired Man in America for the 11th year in a row. Trump is the first President since Ford to not be at the top of the list, and the second since Truman. Do you suppose he's happy about the results or will he call it fake news?
82 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWouldn't he be happier if he resigned?
Trump tweeted that he is all alone in the White House and can't enjoy Christmas at his golf resort. Shouldn't we all encourage him to resign so he can return to his happy life and not have to worry about what the Democrats are doing. Lets all send him a message and let him know we care enough to ask him to leave now.
3 AnswersPolitics2 years agoWill the True Patriots step up?
Trump spent the last year building POW camps in Texas. He is massing troops along the border and says they can fire back if even a rock is thrown at them. He is using Bush's "Axis of Evil" propaganda. And he says the Constitution doesn't apply to him so he feels he doesn't have to get a declaration of war from Congress. When he launches his war on Mexico will the True Patriots step up to join the army and fight for their Glorious Leader? Or will there be a rash of bone spurs?
3 AnswersPolitics3 years agoWhen will Trump be showing his taxes?
President Obama showed his birth certificate. Elizabeth Warren showed the results of her DNA test. Now it's Trump's turn to show his taxes. Clearly the conservatives and the tea party are going to demand this, right?
18 AnswersPolitics3 years agoDoes it bother Republicans?
Does it bother Republicans that the last legitimate Presidential election they won was in 1988, 20 years ago? And that every election they won since then has been tainted by corruption, voter suppression, ballot fixing and so on? That every Republican since Bush Sr. has an an asterisk next to their name?
17 AnswersPolitics3 years agoShould only Black Women be line judges when Serena Williams plays?
In 2009 Williams lost a match and blamed it on racism. Despite her outburst in violation of the rules she blames sexism for her loss. Her supporter claim it wouldn't happen to a man despite John McEnroe also being fined and banned. So should only Black women be officials at William's tournaments? And who will she blame for her losing then?
7 AnswersTennis3 years ago