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i love two help people out! live laugh love!
My dad gets upset when I don't say I love you back he will say you have anything to say?
I just don't want to get hurt his wife is trying to replace me or she wants my dad to love her kids to and I am not ready to say I love you because of that . My dad said I can't love your kids like my own blood I like your kids and I am a male figure but I can't love them like my daugther so his wife don't like me and is jealous.
2 AnswersFamily5 years agoWhat eyeshadows are better make up geek or Anastasia ones?
1 AnswerMakeup5 years agoMy dad said really gross things in my text to night talking about send me naked pictures. I am his daughter .?
Dad text hi can you send me naked pictures daughter me what you got your wife for that dad yea just send a naked picture Michelle no dad **** you then you piss me off . What is going on with my dad he never in his life did that to me tell now he's 56 married I am his daughter not his wife .
5 AnswersFamily6 years agoDo I walk away for good or stick it out for my birth father .?
I just found my birth father after 26 years his family acts like I am not living they don't include me in anything . My dad brother made fun of me he was having a bad day but it hurt me what he said so I said stuff back to him that hurt and he told the whole family now they don't like me but my dad still calling should I keep the bond with my dad with no family or walk away for good again I am torn and keep praying
1 AnswerAdoption6 years agoReally hard choice should I walk away for good or stick it out for my father.?
My birth fathers family acts like I am not living here not including me in any family stuff . My dad brother made fun of me because he was having a bad day but it hurt me so I said stuff to him that hurt him back and now the family doesn't like me should I walk away for good or stick it out and keep my bond with my father it's been 26 years he's my birth father .
1 AnswerFamily6 years agoI had a dream about my birth father we just meat in June but talk on phone every night.?
I had a dream about my dad we where all at a holiday party his family and me were eating talking then all of a sudden my dad is gone I was like were is bobby were did my dad go and the family was like he took a nap then he comes down this stair case and goes outside to smoke then I was like there you are I have to go home now and I hugged him and he picked me up and kisses my face and pinched my butt then I wake up my dad is alive we talk on phone but don't live near each other yet .
2 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years agoDo you sleep with socks on or bare feet.?
15 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago