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I'm a 26 year old female and a professional fine artist. I live in Saint Paul, Minnesota. I have a BFA in painting from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. I sell my artwork online and locally. I frequently participate in exhibitions and art events locally and nationally. e

  • Gift for ex-boyfriend, new love-interest?

    I recently found an ex-boyfriend that I haven't seen in 11 years. I found him on myspace and we have been talking on the phone and through email quite a bit for over a month. I am flying to see him and spend time with him for his birthday in a couple months.

    I wanted to know if I should send him a Valentine's gift, a card, make some cookies to send him or just give him a call for Valentine's day. I'm not really sure what would be appropriate.

    Also, since I'm going to be visiting him on his birthday, I have to get him something as a gift. What sort of gift could I give him? I always end up giving too many gifts to people. I go overboard with shopping, gifts, treats, card, etc. And don't want to overwhelm him.

    Other info. - I'm 26 and he is going to be 30 on his birthday. We dated for over 2 years, but this was 11 years ago. We have expressed interest in each other, so its obvious that we like each other more than friends at this point.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Changing resolution with digital photography?

    I have a canon powershot sd600 digital camera. I take photos that are the highest res and then upload them to my computer. When I upload them and open them in photoshop, they say 180 resolution.

    I need my images to be 300 dpi so I can have them printed. Is it possible to just change the dpi higher in photoshop or do I need to set something in the preferences when uploading my images so they will transfer at 300 dpi?

    I'm finding this really confusing.

    I need to take a photograph for an upcoming commission project. It will need to be at least 300 dpi and I need to print it at 20 x 30 inches. So I want to make sure I am uploading and doing everything right.

    Please help. Thanks

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago