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Catholics - Did Mary need Christ's sacrifice?
For anyone who's knowledgeable in Catholicism:
I've been taught that Christ died for the sins of all people and that no one is good enough to make it into heaven on their own, but if Mary was conceived without sin, did she really have any need of Christ's sacrifice? This has always been a point I wasn't sure about.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades agoCan anyone explain to me/offer theories about the magnetic fields of Venus and Mercury?
Mercury has a small magnetic field, but is entirely solid. Venus has no magnetic field but is at least partially molten. If it's the convection of conductive elements that creates a magnetic field, how is this possible? I'm not an expert, so please try not to use language that's too technical.
4 AnswersAstronomy & Space2 decades ago