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  • Does any one know how much percent of america is outsourced? How much of our consuming products......?

    How much percent of our consuming products are made overseas? I thought it was 90% but im not sure. Im writing an essay on wealth and poverty.

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Car Porblem on a 2001 Mitsubishi Gallant?

    My friend recently went home from school and her 2001 Mitsubishi Gallant wouldnt start up again. It tries to start up and gets really close but wont turn over. Battery and alternator are good as well as the starter. No blown fuses. To me it sounds as if its got a problem getting fuel to the engine so my next thought was the fuel filter and then the pump. But of course like all new model cars the filter is in the pump and its a pain to drop and get to. But if this is what I need to replace can anyone help troubleshoot this problem and are there any other parts I can check out first? Thanks

    2 AnswersMitsubishi1 decade ago
  • What does it mean for a girl to tell you she has strong feelings for you but doesnt want have them right now?

    I recently told this friend of mine after two years as friends that I really admire her and would love to be more than just friends. She has a pure and graceful heart and thats what attracted me to her. She finally a month later after pushing the matter to the side in a graceful manner told me she had feelings 3 months prior to me opening up to her but coudnt deal with it and didnt want to jump into a relationship solely off of feelings but wants to make the most principled and logical decision based on Gods will for her in her life. She said she really likes me but doesnt want to have these feelings right now because she wants to finish school and do things for herself before she gets serious. I just cant understand what she meens by having feelings for me but doesnt want to right now. I politely backed off and said you have my respect for you and i dont want to push you away so im going to back off and give you space. Can anyone help me with what she means?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you think we need to reassess what we are doing?

    Do you think we need to re-assess what we have been doing, what we are doing, and what we need to be doing before we ever move on in life and become fully self conscious of the road ahead and whats most important in our life? Someone once said "We need to evaluate our life now before having to be forced." Per se applying to all aspects of life.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does this mean to you?

    "We live in the present and look toward the future but never forget the past as it will always haunt and remind us of the mistakes that we have made so as not to fall into repetition."

    I used it my book what do you get out of it.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Who else looks at America and all they see is Narccism?

    Yes Im an american but its sick how depraved we are and yet we so individualize and secularize ouselves we live for ourselves. Leave all religion out of it, just as being humans and kind towards others. Non christian and christian its rare these days to find anybody that cares for the well being of others and only looking out for ourselves: How can i get richer, fornication, hate! We're in degrading days. Dont mean to be offensive but this is all I see in the world today. But yes there are also very nice people and kind souls out there atheist and christian that I know but we are the remnant right? What do yall see?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Predestination?

    Why is it I have found so much support for predestination and none for free will in the Bible?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What do you think?

    I am white and my GF is black and nothing can tare me away from her becasuse I believe God places people in our lives whether marriage or friends and i had two friends disagree with her being black. Well they are no longer my friends and I cussed them out its sick. Was this wrong of me being a christian its just i saw red in my eyes especially when its my GF they made the statement about?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question for atheists.?

    Dont get offended and reply with a mean spirit but I am a devout christian. You deny Gods existence and you want visible proof that He exists but what do you believe happens when you die? Even if He didnt, wouldnt you want to have a spirit of belief in an afterlife and have hope in some sort of heaven and would this impend upon your belief to believe so? If I were an athiest I would want to have some sort of Hope that life doesnt end after you die. I mean what about dinosaurs pre existence and there bones in fossils would this prove a flood in the bible and there death in the flood and why the world is divided by water. I would think the only reason Noah didnt bring them on the ship was cus they were too big and carnavours and they would eat every other animal on the ship. I dont hate athiests and this its not to offend anyone but what have you to say?- God bless

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in Predestination or free will and dont give that John 3:16 passage?

    Isaiah 46:9-10 says "I am God and there is no one like me creating the end from the beggining and that which has not yet been from the ancient times saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all that is in my Holy pleasure" "You chose me Because I chose you first" "Romans 9 "Therefore it does not depend on the man who wills but on God who has mercy" Ephesians 1 "We are predestined according to the kind love of our Father as sons adopted through Jesus christ" To most people it seems whats the point of living if you are already predestined where you are going so therefore it doesnt matter what you do in your life the outcomes the same. Well heres where we are to have confidence in our Lord and heres where assurance is tricky if you are truelly saved. But its not our job to know who the elect are and are not but our job to believe in Jesus as our only way into Heaven. Thats why I live my life totally by faith. I just believe and profess Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is homosexuallity wrong or right?

    I mean doesnt I corinthians 6 say that "Drunkard, thieves, adulterers and homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven" God made adam and eve not adam and steve. Man do hate the Gay rights association.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I dont get it why do so many people hate the cowboys?

    I mean you can say what you want but here in Bid D the cowboys never talk about themselvs they play ball and never talk. They always are grat hosts to other teams and respect them too. Everybody says its cus they think they are americas team but yall and the announcers are what made them that. You cant deny Aikman loved the game and so does Tom brady why do think they are the only ones with 3 superbowls in 4 years.

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Whose the best rock alternative band?

    Ones that are around this category (chevelle korn breaking benjamin tool apc the lost prophets)

    6 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Is there free will or predestination?

    Romans 9:11 says "That it does not depend on the man that wills but on God that has mercy!"

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there free will why or why not?

    Lol Im sorry but i already knew the answer. I was testing you could say your knowledge of the Bible. And Robin killed yall all. Read Romans 9 and 8. "It does not depend on the man who wills but on God who has mercy" "Does not the potter have the write to mold from the same lump of clay a vessel for commom use and another for greater use" yall decieve yourselves. With all your verses to prove free will there are so much more proving predestination and no free will that outweigh all your verses. Hearin lies mans folly. His autonomous mind thinks and decieves himself. Christ is the hope of all the Bible clearly says "It is not you that accepts Christ but rather Christ that accepts you. And does not all the prophets in the old testament prophesy on this. Oh no how could God damn us without even being born yet that just wrong!!! Who are you that answers back to God oh man. Rom 9!!! When your before the gates of heaven and God asks "Why should I let you in? What will be your answer. Go Robin

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago