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  • account question?

    Rooney Small Engine Repair charges $46 per hour of labor. It has a material loading percentage of 43%. On a recent job replacing the engine of a riding lawnmower, Rooney worked 11.0 hours and used parts with a cost of $900. Calculate Rooney’s total bill.

  • Exponential Distribution Statistics help?

    During the summer at a small private airport in western Nebraska, the unscheduled arrival of airplanes is Poisson distributed with an average arrival rate of 1.12 planes per hour.

    (a) What is the average interarrival time between planes?

    (b) What is the probability that at least 2 hours will elapse between plane arrivals?

    (c) What is the probability of two planes arriving less than 10 minutes apart?

    Mathematics3 weeks ago