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dart_the _legend
Hey, I'm Toshiro Aisawa I am a one man band called "Maho Shounen", in which i sing, play guitar, bass guitar, Piano, and drums. my style is similar to that of Inoue Joe. I currently am a Voice teacher as well I am fluent in English, Japanese, and French. I love all kinds of anime, here are some of my favorites Clannad Kanon Air Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu Elfen Lied Gintama One Piece K-ON! Shuffle! Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu Darker Than BLACK Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Fruits Basket Ouran High School Host Club Chobits EF: a fairy tale of the two I am an expert on most of the above anime and many others as well
Where to watch Power Rangers series'?
I am looking for a website that has all the Power Rangers series' streaming in high quality NOT DOWNLOAD.
1 AnswerComics & Animation4 years agoThere is a bug in my house that looks like a giant mosquito?
This insect is not a Crane Fly. It has bitten/stung me twice. I thought it was a crane fly at first, so i grabbed it by it's wings so i could put it outside without hurting it, but even though it's abdomen was long and straight, it bent up and seemed to sting me, it hurt a bit, and i want to find out what this is
4 AnswersZoology9 years agoWhere can I watch Ef: tale of memories and Ef: tale of melodies?
i would like it if you could give me a good site that has these two anime for me to watch them, they were recommended by a friend because I wanted to watch something similar to Kanon, Clannad, and Air.
thank you for your service
4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agowhere should i take Kimahri on the sphere grid (final fantasy 10)?
hi everyone, i hve gotten to the point where kimahri has to go through a locked area on the sphere grid because i have gotten all of the spheres that are unlocked, i now don't know which character's sphere grid to take him on, i wanted to take him to auron's at first, but i do not have any level 3 key spheres, so i can't do that, i know i can go to wakka's or tidus'
so could you please help me out and tell me where you think he should go and why he should go that direction for his betterment as a character
merry christmas
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoquestion about Yugioh GX: The Beginning of Destiny?
in the game i want to make a cyber dragon deck because i have deduced that that is the easiest awesome deck to make i just need to be able to buy Zane's card pack, how high do i have to get my relationship level with zane, and do i actually have to beat him to get the pack?
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoWhat's the deal with the whole "10th anniversary duel movie"?
there have been rumors that thereis supposed to be a movie for the tenth anniversary of yugioh with Yugi, Jaden, and Yusei all in it, I was wondering if ths is true, or just something made up, and if it's true, then aren't they a little late, the manga and anime first came out in '96, so the 10th would've been 2006, any information is appreciated
4 AnswersCard Games1 decade agomy sweet memories deck (reposted due to it being removed for some reason)?
this is my sweet memories deck, it is the same kind of thing as Brent's Heart of Gold, it is all cards that I just love, it isn't built to work together or achieve any kind of strategy, it's just my favorite cards
tell me what you think
Peten the Dark Clown x3
A Man with Wdjat
Blue-eyes White Dragon
Dark Magician
Red-eyes Black Dragon
Buster Blader
Slifer the Sky Dragon
Destiny Hero - Dasher
Big-shield Gardna
Harpie's Brother
Luster Dragon
Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain
Blade Knight
Breaker, the Magical Warrior
Chaos Necromancer
Elemental Hero Sparkman
Des Volstgalph
Strike Ninja
Time Wizard
Gandora, the Dragon of Destruction
Guardian Eatos (I'll be getting it first thing when it comes out)
Victory Dragon
Swords of Revealing Light
Yu-Jo Friendship
Diffusion Wave-Motion
Graceful Dice
Card of Sanctity
Monster Reborn
Chorus of Sanctuary
Mirror Force
Crush Card Virus
Magical Hats
Magic Cylinder
Begone, Knave
Big Burn
Kunai with Chain
Final Attack Orders
please do not post vulgar language, it will get the question removed
i encourage everyone to make a deck of things that you just like
3 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoWhat do you think is the most likely deck?
I'll be going to a sneak peek of stardust overdrive, and was wondering what you think the most likely deck would be for me to make for the sneak peek
for those of you who don't know what a sneak peek is, it is an event where you get 5 packs of a new booster before it comes out (in this case, stardust overdrive), you then make a deck using only cards from those packs, the deck size is reduced to 20 since card access is limited, then all the duelists there duel for fun with their new cards
so, please let me know if there are any synchros being released that don't have specific tuner requirements, and what deck you think i could build using those cards
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agoDoes anyone here play the naruto card game?
i wanted to know if anyone here played the naruto card game, and if so, what starter deck should i get, and do you think i could make a decent shikamaru deck (as far as starter decks go, i prefer sasuke)
3 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoCheck out my Seto Kaiba Deck which is not for playing with?
I built a Seto Kaiba deck using only cards that seto has used
Monsters: 21
3 Blue-eyes White Dragon
3 Thunder Dragon
1 Kaiser Glider
1 Swordstalker
2 Peten the Dark Clown
1 Cyber Jar
1 Rude Kaiser
1 Battle Ox
1 Vorse Raider
1 Lord of D.
1 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
1 Blade Knight
1 Paladin of White Dragon
1 X-Head Cannon
1 Y-Dragon Head
1 Z-Metal Tank
Spells: 14
3 Polymerization
1 Shrink
1 Stop Defense
1 Ring of Defense
1 Monster Reborn
1 Pot of Greed
1 Soul Exchange
1 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
1 White Dragon Ritual
1 De-fusion
1 Cost Down
1 Silent Doom
Traps: 5
Crush Card Virus
Ring of Destruction
Final Attack Orders
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Shadow Spell
Extra Deck:
Blue-eyes Ultimate Dragon
Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
XY-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
you can suggest things using only cards that seto kaiba has used if you want
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoRate/Fix Joker's Wild Twilight Deck (Yu-Gi-Oh!)?
revision idea for my new Joker's Wild Deck Based on arcana knight joker, in this revision, it has turned into a twilight deck with removing from play and bringing back my own monsters
i take credit for the deck idea, but i cannot take full credit for this build, there was assistance from a fellow answerer
Monsters: 20
3 Queen's Knight
3 King's Knight
3 Jack's Knight
2 Elemental Hero Prisma
2 Chaos Sorcerer
2 Mystic Tomato
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Summoner Monk
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Sangan
Spells: 10
3 Polymerization
2 Foolish Burial
1 Burial From a Different Dimension
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Heavy Storm
1 Future Fusion
Traps: 10
3 Birthright
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Threatening Roar
1 Return from the Different Dimension
1 Call of he Haunted
1 Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
3 Arcana Knight Joker
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Arcanite Magician
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoJoker's wild (brand new deck) {Yu-Gi-Oh!}?
this is my prototype brand new Y-Gi-Oh! deck based on Arcana Knight Joker
main strategy is to get out Arcana Knight Joker and use his ability to negate effects and then beatdown with his high attack points there are many cards used to bring either him or the fusion material monsters back from the grave
the other monsters are all light attribute and are mostly a backup win involving removing my own cards from play and bringing them back
please feel free to leave suggestions that work with this theme
3 King's Knight
3 Queen's Knight
3 Jack's Knight
3 Thunder Dragon
3 Elemental Hero Prisma
1 Guardian of Order
1 Soul of Purity and Light
2 Shining Angel
1 Freed the Brave Wanderer
3 Polymerization
1 Future Fusion
1 Heavy Storm
2 Lightning Vortex
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Burial from a Different Dimension
1 Mirror Force
1 Threatening Roar
1 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Return From the Different Dimension
1 Appropriate
1 Birthright
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Forced Requisition
1 Spell shield Type-8
Remember, this deck is all about negation
also, what should be in my side deck
3 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoanyone want to duel right now?
these are the avaiable decks:
Blue-eyes (traditional)
i know most of you are in high school and middle school, but i'm in college, and i have some free time right now
just answer this and i'll contact you through messenger
light warrior and fairy deck
5 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoanyone want to buy these cards I'm selling?
i'm selling a few cards on ebay and i figured some of my friends from the card games section here might want to buy them
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu-
Elemental Hero Gaia-
they are both from ancient prophecy
if you don't want them but know someone who might, please direct them this way, thanks guys
3 AnswersCard Games1 decade agowhat, in your opinion, is the most crucial card in the to meta decks?
I'm looking for the must have card, in your opinion, for:
Gladiator Beast
Six Samurai
Hopeless Dragon
and any others you want to
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agodoes anyone know where I can find Duelist pack:Jaden Yuki for cheap(read description)?
I need to find a booster box of Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki
the first one, not the second or the third, I can only find a korean version on ebay, so I need a different website, I also want it as cheap as possible.
I'm trying to get more of the older e-heros for my e-hero deck, and am trying to get ahold of the first box, thanks for the help
4 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoPlease rate my Kuriboh deck (haha)?
Hey guys, i was wondering if you could rate my new Kuriboh deck (lol)
this includes cards from the show as well as real cards
Kuriboh x3
Winged Kuriboh x3
Kuribu x2
Kuribe x2
Kuriba x2
Kuribi x2
Winged Kuriboh Lv9 x2
Winged Kuriboh Lv10 x2
Berserker Crush x2
Detonating x3
Multiply x3
Transcendent Wings x2
Alchemical Experiments x2
The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh x2
Five-star Twilight x2
Philosopher's Stone - Sabatiel x2
Rainbow Blessing x2
I got really bored, so I decided to do this, please comment
3 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoFix/shrink Warrior synchro deck?
hey guys, my friend has a warrior syncro deck that is way too big, please fix it, try to use cards that he has, but you can also make suggestions for cards he doesn't have
Turbo synchron
junk synchron
road synchron
Comrade swordsman of the landstar
magna drago
X-saber Airbellum
X-saber galahad
X-saber anu piranha
Sasuke samurai
Goblin attack force
Speed warrior
The six samurai-Zanji
The six samurai-Nisashi
The six samurai-Irou
The six samurai-Yaichi
The six samurai-Kamon
The six samurai-Yariza
Turbo booster
Quillbolt hedgehog
Des koala
Sonic chick
Pengin soldier
Cyber-tech alligator
Gogiga gagagigo
X-saber urbellum
Junk warrior
Road warrior
Collosal fighter
Stardust dragon
Scrap-iron scarecrow
Widespread ruin
Limit reverse
Synchro strike
Blasting the ruins
Dust tornado
Emergency provisions
Unstable evolution
Remove trap x2
Double attack
Mind trust
Synchro boost
Battle tuned
Domino effect
Creature swap
Tribute to the doomed
The warrior returning alive
Rush recklessly
Additional cards:
Assault mercenary
Brain golem
Powered tuner
Morphtronic slingen
Saber beetle
Gren maju da eiza
Cross-sword beetle
Masaki the legendary swodsman
Big eye
Soul tiger
The dragon dwelling in the cave
Assaut mode activate
Gottom's emergency call
Remove trap
Pride of the weak
Vengeful servant
The six samurai united
Giant trunade
Shield and sword
any help is welcome, thank you so much for your help
3 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoDoes anyone else think it's hilarious that everyone calls Yugi's grandfather grandpa?
everyone in Yugioh calls Yugi's grandfather "Grandpa"- Joey, Tristan, Tea, even Atem, i just wondered if anyone else thought this was hilarious
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoCan stardust dragon destroy field spells?
i was dueling a friend with my E-hero deck, and was using flame wingman, I had skyscraper active and stardust was on the field, when i attacked, skyscraper increases flame wingman's atk by 1000. my friend said that he tributed stardust to negate skyscraper, what is the ruling for this
thank you
10 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago