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Favourite answers32%
  • Is there a way to reset the entire Just Dance wii game?

    I tried searching around and googling whatever I could but I didn t find anything that was helpful. My question is is there a way to make my Just Dance wii game as though it was a new game? My real problem is I want to delete the player cards my brothers made and put the player cards as default (happy, funky, etc.) but i wasn t able to find out how. So if the game can t be reset is there a way to completely delete those cards and choose default? Thank you!

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii6 years ago
  • I forgot my iPad passcode and the "Find my iPhone" app in it won't let me force a restart! What do i do?

    I have been unable to use my iPad for almost 5 months now because of this. I don't know what my passcode is, and so i searched around to see what i can do but there is nothing that worked because the "Find my iPhone" app in my iPad is on! i really don't know what to do. If there's way i can get past the passcode without deleting what is inside that'll be great but if that doesn't work then i am ok with retstarting the entire thing. i really just miss my iPad :((((((((

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds7 years ago