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  • Struggling and not feeling the same after smoking marijuana for the first time ?

    Hi I’m 20 , in college and work a part time job. I smoked for the first Time 5 days ago , and the feeling was awful , I was dizzy , nauseous, felt like I was going to pass out while at the same time My heart is pumping so fast , it was the worst feeling in the world , I thought the effects were going to wear off after a day but ever since then , off and on I’ve been getting the same feelings but worse , it happens out of know where while I’m completely sober, I’m thinking it may had something to with my pre-diabetes so I call 911 , they give my  discharge  papers and tell me that there is nothing wrong with me. In my mind I’m doubting it. At this point idk what to do and I hate feeling like this,   My blood pressure would sky rocket as well as my heart rate ,  my heart is pounding like it’s about to just escape from my chest. I would get a temporary paralysis for like a quick second and a half. I just don’t feel good. Is there anything I can do to stop this feeling.

    6 AnswersOther - Health7 days ago