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What true and what is not???
I am in love with a man whom I have never met.. He lives in my heart and in my dreams.. All I can think of is making passionate love to him and nothing else... This desire is driving me insane... Is it true love??? Or just lust??? The desire to have something that I cannot have right now... I just want to know your opinions.. Let me know...
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago"He who love touches walks not in darkness." Plato?
What do you think of this quote?
Do you agree?
I am going thru a hard time with love in my life and my love has turned my world into darkness because I am not responded as I wish.
Please give me a star to enlighten my day.
2 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago"Real love stories never have endings." Richard Bach?
Do you think this is true in our society today?
6 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoUna noche muy triste?
Para todos los que se tomen el tiempo de leer mi pregunta, muchas gracias. Nunca han tenido una noche en la cual piensan que nunca se terminara y solo quisieran dormir pero los pensamientos no los dejan? Las lagrimas se me salen solitas y nisiquiera se porque. Las cosas en mi vida estan bien pero siento que todo se me va de las manos y no hay motivo para pensarlo. Un saludito me cairia muy bien ahorita y me hara sonreir.
22 AnswersMatrimonios y Divorcios1 decade agoFelicitenme?
Soy madre de dos hermososos barones pero ellos son muy chicos y no saben como felicitarme.
Denme una estrella como un regalo
34 AnswersFamilia1 decade ago"Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present."?
I have made many mistakes in my life and somehow I seem to not correct some of them. Please share your opinion with me.
Do you believe the quote is true?
Give me a star if you like it
9 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoAnonymous Quote?
"The home is the laboratory of our lives, and what we learn there largely determines what we do when we leave there."
Give me a star if you think this is true or not and let meknow why
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoAnonymous Quote?
"The home is the laboratory of our lives, and what we learn there largely determines what we do when we leave there."
Give me a star if you think this is true or not and let meknow why
5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago"Love is like war, Easy to begin but hard to end." Anonymous?
How many of you believe this statement is true?
7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago"It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." Alfred, Lord Tennyson?
Who thinks this is true and why
15 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoEstrellas?
No tengo mucha experiencia con YR. Para que sirven las estrellas?
2 AnswersAmigos1 decade agoFlores y florerias?
Me podrian dar el nombre de una floreria en Malaga España. Quiero sorprender a una persona muy especial y yo no conosco la ciudada :o)
1 AnswerOtros - España1 decade agoAgua de sal o agua dulce?
Tengo una pecera vacia y no se de cuales peces comprar. Cuales peces me recomiendan?
13 AnswersPeces1 decade ago