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Prohibition Rulings (yugioh) ?
I saw somebody put on forums that if prohibition is active and GB bestiari is called then the GB player can still set the bestiari and contact fuse for gyzarus and destroy the prohibition
i have been looking for this ruling and everywhere i have looked has said that the card called for prohibition cannot be placed on the field (ignoring the ones already on the field as per the text on the card) but i cant find the ruling on the official site ... can anybody find the rulings on the official site or confirm that monsters called for prohibition cannot be set
4 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoGladiator beast rate/fix (sept 2010 list) ?
18x Monster
3x Test Tiger
3x GB Laquari
2x GB Darius
2x GB Equeste
1x GB Bestiari
1x GB Secutor
1x GB Murmillo
1x GB Retiari
1x GB Samnite
1x GB Hoplomus
1x Elemental Hero Prisma
1x Sangan
12x Spell
3x Gladiator Proving Ground
3x Book of Moon
2x My Body As A Shield
2x Gladiator Beast's Respite
1x Cold Wave
1x Monster Reborn
10x Trap
3x Waboku
2x GB War Chariot
2x Trap Hole
1x Trap Stun
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
15x Extra Deck
3x GB Gyzarus
2x GB Heraklinos
1x Armory Arm
1x Magical Android
1x Iron Chain Dragon (will swap for brionac when i get my hands on one)
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
wanna try find some space for a chimeratech fortress dragon in the extra deck as well ... i am testing trap hole over bottomless as it can hit some more monsters than bottomless (lumina, various tuners etc.) so far it isnt making much difference but i dont have alot to test against (zombiesworn and yubels =/ lol) anyone else tested this? ... ideas for a side deck?
Tips and fixes appreciated
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoBait Doll ... yugioh?
Bait Doll
Normal Spell
Force the activation of 1 face-down Trap card. If the timing of the activation of the Trap card is incorrect, negate the effect and destroy it. If it is not a Trap card, it is returned to it's original position. After this card is activated, it is placed into the Deck (not the graveyard). Then shuffle the Deck.
the rulings for this card say that if the activation timing is correct then all costs must be paid ... if the cost can't be paid it's negated and destroyed etc. ... if it hits magic jammer and they choose not to activate it then it counts as incorrect timing
if it hits dark bribe or solemn judgment would the opponent have to pay the costs? (i draw for bribe or they lose half lp for solemn)
I am considering main decking one instead of the second mystical space typhoon as extra s/t removal ... thoughts?
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agoRate/Fix Alien deck? (yugioh)?
20x Monster
3x Alien Shocktrooper
3x Alien Warrior
3x Alien Dog
3x Alien Kid
3x Alien Grey
3x Alien Ammonite
2x Alien Overlord
14x Spell
3x Code A Ancient Ruins
3x "A" Cell Breeding Device
3x Mysterious Triangle
3x "A" Cell Incubator
1x Snake Rain
1x Burden Of The Mighty
6x Trap
3x Planet Pollutant Virus
1x Cell Explosion Virus
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
15x Extra Deck
3x Cosmic Fortress Gol'Gar
1x Armory Arm
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Mist Wurm
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Avenging Knight Parshath
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Magical Android
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
Been out of the running for a while and have probably missed something obvious here ... synchro choice being primarily level 5, 7 or 8 due to ammonite being a level 1 and using either level 4 kid/warrior/shocktrooper or overlord for level 5 and 7 ... alien dog can help get level 8 out
any fixes will be much appreciated
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoEurope Pokemon Action Replay?
hey guys,
i wanna access the yellow forest pokewalker route buh i missed the event as i only got the game a couple weeks ago ... is there an AR code to unlock it for a europe (UK) game?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agopet cemetary r/f (yugioh)?
19x monster
2x zombie master
2x mezuki
2x GB lqaquari
2x test tiger
2x GB darius
1x GB equeste
1x GB murmillo
1x GB bestiari
1x GB samnite
1x goblin zombie
1x plaguespreader zombie
1x summoner monk
1x sangan
1x dark armed dragon
15x spell
3x gladiator proving ground
2x burial from a DD
2x zombie world
2x terraforming
1x foolish burial
1x book of life
1x book of moon
1x heavy storm
1x brain control
1x mystical space typhoon
6x traps
2x waboku
2x GB war chariot
1x solemn judgment
1x mirror force
13x extra deck
1x GB heraklinos
1x GB gyzarus
1x red dragon archfiend
1x colossal fighter
1x stardust dragon
1x avenging knight parshath
1x X-saber urbellum
1x black rose dragon
1x iron chain dragon
1x flamvell uruquizas
1x goyo guardian
1x doomkaiser dragon
1x magical android
still looking for some of the cards ... trying it out before i commit myself
any tips appreciated
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agoglad beast deck help?
20x monster
3x test tiger
2x GB laquari
2x GB darius
2x GB equeste
1x GB bestiari
1x GB hoplomus
1x GB murmillo
1x GB andal
1x GB secutor
1x GB samnite
1x rescue cat
1x gorz the emissary of darkness
1x neo-spacian grand mole
1x sangan
1x cyber dragon
12x spell
2x gladiator proving ground
2x book of moon
1x enemy controller
1x brain control
1x heavy storm
1x cold wave
1x mystical space typhoon
1x smashing ground
1x prohibition
1x giant trunade
8x trap
3x waboku
2x GB war chariot
1x solemn judgment
1x torrential tribute
1x mirror force
12x extra deck
1x GB gyzarus
1x GB heraklinos
1x stardust dragon
1x red dragon archfiend
1x colossal fighter
1x avenging knight parshath
1x X-saber urbellum
1x black rose dragon
1x goyo guardian
1x iron chain dragon
1x doomkaiser dragon
1x magical android
i am thinking about taking out andal, cyber dragon, sangan, e-con, trunade, prohibition and torrential ... replacements im considering are a third book of moon, a second samnite, 1 or 2 X-saber airbellum ... any other suggestions for replacements?
i know i dont have any tuners but i have a full (nearly) extra deck because of brain control and enemy controller being able to take their tuner (even if it is once in a blue moon)
any tips appreciated
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agogladiator beast deck r/f?
20x monster
3x test tiger
2x GB laquari
2x GB darius
2x GB equeste
1x GB samnite
1x GB bestiari
1x GB hoplomus
1x GB murmillo
1x GB secutor
1x GB andal
1x rescue cat
1x neo-spacian grand mole
1x cyber dragon
1x sangan
1x gorz the emissary of darkness
12x spell
2x gladiator proving ground
2x book of moon
1x enemy controller
1x cold wave
1x smashing ground
1x bait doll
1x giant trunade
1x heavy storm
1x brain control
1x mystical space typhoon
8x trap
3x waboku
2x GB war chariot
1x covering fire
1x torrential tribute
1x mirror force
15x extra deck
1x colossal fighter
1x stardust dragon
2x red dragon archfiend
1x avenging knight archfiend
1x black rose dragon
1x x-saber urbellum
1x doomkaiser dragon
1x goyo guardian
1x iron chain dragon
1x magical android
1x GB gyzarus
1x GB heraklinos
15x side deck
3x DD crow
1x hanewata
1x des wombat
3x prohibition
3x by order of the emporer
2x imperial iron wall
2x threatening roar
i will add in airbellum and retiari as and when i get them
this is a first draft so any fixes appreciated
4 AnswersCard Games1 decade agozombiesworn deck help?
40x deck
23x monster
2x zombie master
2x mezuki
2x pyramid turtle
2x goblin zombie
2x lyla, lightsworn sorceress
2x ryko, lightsworn hunter
2x breaker the magical warrior
1x plaguespreader zombie
1x il blud
1x celestia, lightsworn angel
1x wulf lightsworn beast
1x card trooper
1x gorz the emissary of darkness
1x neo-spacian grand mole
1x morphing jar
1x DD warrior lady
13x spell
2x burial from a different dimension
2x solar recharge
2x book of moon
1x pot of avarice
1x foolish burial
1x enemy controller
1x zombie world
1x bait doll
1x mystical space typhoon
1x heavy storm
4x trap
2x phoenix wing wind blast
1x bottomless trap hole
1x mirror force
15x extra deck
2x stardust dragon
2x red dragon archfiend
1x colossal fighter
1x avenging knight parshath
1x black rose dragon
3x doomkaiser dragon
1x goyo guardian
1x iron chain dragon
1x magical android
1x gladiator beast heraklinos
1x gladiator beast gyzarus
13x side deck
2x DD crow
2x red-eyes zombie dragon
1x hanewata
1x zombie world
2x divine wrath
2x threatening roar
2x karma cut
1x phoenix wing wind blast
side deck needs 2 more cards as a filler ... to counter either burn or dragons would be nice if any you have any ideas
any other tips or suggestions appreciated
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agozombiesworn deck help?
40x deck
23x monster
2x zombie master
2x mezuki
2x pyramid turtle
2x goblin zombie
2x lyla, lightsworn sorceress
2x ryko, lightsworn hunter
2x breaker the magical warrior
1x plaguespreader zombie
1x il blud
1x celestia, lightsworn angel
1x wulf lightsworn beast
1x card trooper
1x gorz the emissary of darkness
1x neo-spacian grand mole
1x morphing jar
1x DD warrior lady
13x spell
2x burial from a different dimension
2x solar recharge
2x book of moon
1x pot of avarice
1x foolish burial
1x enemy controller
1x zombie world
1x bait doll
1x mystical space typhoon
1x heavy storm
4x trap
2x phoenix wing wind blast
1x bottomless trap hole
1x mirror force
15x extra deck
2x stardust dragon
2x red dragon archfiend
1x colossal fighter
1x avenging knight parshath
1x black rose dragon
3x doomkaiser dragon
1x goyo guardian
1x iron chain dragon
1x magical android
1x gladiator beast heraklinos
1x gladiator beast gyzarus
13x side deck
2x DD crow
2x red-eyes zombie dragon
1x hanewata
1x zombie world
2x divine wrath
2x threatening roar
2x karma cut
1x phoenix wing wind blast
side deck needs 2 more cards as a filler ... to counter either burn or dragons would be nice if any you have any ideas
any other tips or suggestions appreciated
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agozombiesworn deck help?
15x Extra Deck
2x Stardust Dragon
2x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Avenging Knight Parshath
1x Black Rose Dragon
2x Doomkaiser Dragon
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Gaia Knight, The Force Of The Earth
1x Magical Android
1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
40x Deck
22x Monster
2x Zombie Master
2x Mezuki
2x Goblin Zombie
2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Breaker The Magical Warrior
2x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Card Trooper
1x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
1x Gorz The Emissary Of Darkness
1x Il Blud
1x Wulf, Lightworn Beast
1x Morphing Jar
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
14x Spell
3x Solar Recharge
2x Burial From A Different Dimension
2x Book Of Moon
1x Enemy Controller
1x Bait Doll
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Zombie World
1x Pot Of Avarice
1x Heavy Storm
1x Foolish Burial
4x Trap
3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1x Mirror Force
15x Side Deck
2x Redy-Eyes Zombie Dragon
2x D.D. Crow
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Hanewata
1x Zombie World
2x Karma Cut
2x Threatening Roar
2x Divine Wrath
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute
any tips appreciated
would like to put pyramid turtle into the side deck somewhere but need help to make room for it
4 AnswersCard Games1 decade agokoa'ki meiru cost effect?
specifically thinking of the dragon but i think it applies to the rest too
if i use brain control can i choose to do the cost at the end phase before it switches control back because of brain control?
i did this at a tournament the other day and the other guy said that i couldnt choose to self destruct because of the cost before i passed it back (i obviously didnt have the cost since i was playing zombiesworn XD) but i couldnt be bother to call a judge over ... it caused me to lose the round (and the card made me lose the match =/ lol)
all answers appreciated
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agozombiesworn (almost zombie twilight?) rate/fix?
dont yet have JD or dark armed but am planning to add them in when i can get hold of them
25x monster
3x zombie master
2x mezuki
2x goblin zombie
2x pyramid turtle
2x ryko
2x lyla
2x wulf
1x lumina
1x morphing jar
1x celestia
1x card trooper
1x plaguespreader zombie
1x spirit reaper
1x neo-spacian grand mole
1x il blud
1x jain
1x gorz
11x spell
3x solar recharge
2x burial from a different dimension
2x book of moon
1x enemy controller
x brain control
1x mystical space typhoon
1x heavy storm
4x trap
2x bottomless trap hole
1x phoenix wing wind blast
1x mirror force
15x side deck
2x DD crow
2x red-eyes zombie dragon
2x breaker the magical warrior
2x DD warrior lady
2x zombie world
2x phoenix wing wind blast
2x threatening roar
1x torrential tribute
15x extra deck
3x red dragon archfiend
2x stardust dragon
2x gaia knight force of the earth
1x doomkaiser dragon
1x avenging knight parshath
1x black rose dragon
1x magical adroid
1x colossal fighter
1x iron chain dragon
1x goyo guardian
1x gladiator beast gyzarus
hints, tips, fixes etc. all appreciated
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agoseptember 09 zombiesworn deck help?
i dont have JD ehren charge or allure
40x deck
23x monster
3x lumina lightsworn summoner
2x zombie master
2x lyla lightsworn sorceress
2x goblin zombie
2x ryko lightsworn hunter
2x mezuki
1x wulf lightsworn beast
1x il blud
1x pyramid turtle
1x card trooper
1x plaguespreader zombie
1x sangan
1x morphing jar
1x spirit reaper
1x gorz the emissary of darkness
1x neo-spacian grand mole
12x spell
3x solar recharge
2x burial from a different dimension
2x book of moon
1x giant trunade
1x heavy storm
1x card destruction
1x brain control
1x shrink
5x trap
3x phoenix wing wind blast
1x torrential tribute
1x mirror force
15x side deck
3x red dragon archfiend
2x gaia knight force of the earth
2x stardust dragon
1x doomkaiser dragon
1x goyo guardian
1x iron chain dragon
1x avenging knight parshath
1x colossal fighter
1x black rose dragon
1x magical android
1x gladiator beast gyzarus
any tips or fixes are appreciated
extra deck has everything i have that is worth putting in there
side deck suggestions would be a big help too (havent played the last 2 formats)
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agoadvice on selling yugioh cards?
i have had my yugioh cards knocking around for a few months hardly getting touched and was thinking its time to get rid of them ... any advice on cards people are looking for or where to sell my cards would be awesome ... am considering ebay but i dont like using them ... useful tips appreciated
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agoanybody wanna duel on YVD?
i have an empty jar deck atm and looking at building a dark turbo kinda deck (somehow) ... if anybody wants a game leave me a message
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agomarch 1st 2009 banlist?
just wondering if anybody has any insight into the changes for the march first 2009 banlist for yugioh?
5 AnswersCard Games1 decade agorate/fix lightsworn zombie build?
25x monster
3x zombie master
3x mezuki
3x goblin zombie
3x wulf, lightsworn beast
2x lyla, lightsworn sorceress
2x ryko, lightsworn hunter
2x pyramid turtle
1x il blud
1x plaguespreader zombie
1x gorz the emissary of darkness
1x card trooper
1x morphing jar
1x spirit reaper
1x neo-spacian grand mole
12x spell
2x burial from a different dimension
2x solar recharge
2x card of safe return
1x enemy controller
1x book of moon
1x heavy storm
1x mystical space typhoon
1x monster reborn
1x brain control
4x trap
2x bottomless trap hole
1x phoenix wing wind blast
1x mirror force
extra deck includes
2x stardust dragon
2x doomkaiser dragon
1x goyo guardian
not trying to build telezombie or include the big dragons (dark armed or judgment)
i would like to include a DDcrow and torrential tribute if space can be found but it does seem to be workin well at the moment
cannot afford and am not interested in crush card virus
all tips appreciated
4 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoglad beast control deck help?
ignoring extra deck (just assume i have it) and side deck ... any tips for this deck would be appreciated
17x monster
3x test tiger
3x gladiator beast bestiari
2x gladiator beast octavius
2x gladiator beast equeste
2x gladiator beast darius
2x DD crow
1x gladiator beast laquari
1x sangan
1x raiza the storm monarch
14x spell
3x gladiator beast's respite
2x gladiator proving ground
2x book of moon
2x shrink
1x enemy controller
1x brain control
1x monster reborn
1x mystical space typhoon
1x heavy storm
9x trap
3x icarus attack
3x gladiator beast war chariot
1x phoenix wing wind blast
1x torrential tribute
1x mirror force
any tips appreciated
1 AnswerCard Games1 decade agorate/fix my gladiator beast deck?
40x deck
21x monster
3x test tiger
2x DD crow
2x gladiator beast bestiari
2x gladiator beast darius
2x gladiator beast laquari
2x elemental hero prisma
1x gladiator beast equeste
1x gladiator beast secutor
1x gladiator beast hoplomus
1x gladiator beast andal
1x gladiator beast murmillo
1x elemental hero stratos
1x neo-spacian grand mole
1x breaker the magical warrior
13x spell
2x gladiator proving ground
2x prohibition
2x bait doll
1x shrink
1x gladiator beast's respite
1x reinforcement of the army
1x monster reborn
1x book of moon
1x mystical space typhoon
1x heavy storm
6x trap
2x gladiator beast war chariot
1x phoenix wing wind blast
1x compulsory evacuation device
1x torrential tribute
1x mirror force
15x side deck
1x DD crow
1x gladiator proving ground
1x brain control
1x lightning vortex
3x shadow-imprisoning mirror
2x light-imprisoning mirror
2x threatening roar
2x dust tornado
1x gladiator beast war chariot
1x compulsory evacuation device
10x extra deck
1x gladiator beast heraklinos
3x gladiator beast gyzarus
1x gaia knight force of the earth
1x avenging knight parshath
1x iron chain dragon
1x colossal fighter
1x red dragon archfiend
1x magical android
the extra deck is shown to stop people sayin obvious (add gyzarus etc.) ... i know i cant use the synchro monsters without using my opponent's tuner but they are there just incase ... and i also know that i am missing some cards for my extra deck (goyo guardian and stardust dragon are the main 2 i need)
also any tips for a winged beast control variant of a gladiator beast deck?
any tips appreciated
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago