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Can I haggle with a debt collector who's after a student loan debt from 20 years ago?
The original loan amount was $1100 and the collector wants $1800. Can I haggle with him? I can fire off a check to make it all go away, but I wonder if he would be willing/able to accept a lower amount and write me off his books with something to show for his trouble instead of hounding me for years. Thank you for your time!
3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoCan a debt collector legally collect on a 15 year old debt? Is there a statute of limitations?
Recently I've been contacted by a collector that's trying to collect on a college loan I took out 15 years ago. I thought I had paid off all my loans, but somehow I overlooked this one... I blame the poor bookkeeping skills of my 22-year old self. I never received an invoice for this debt, so out of sight out of mind.
I sent a reply letter to the collector and asked for documentation of the loan, and it is valid. I also asked why the college waited 15 years to collect on this debt, but that question was left unanswered. Now that this debt has been brought to my attention, I feel ethically obligated to take care of it , but I wish to deal with it on my terms in my own time. Can a debt collector legally force my hand? Can I sight some legal precident about a statute of limitations? Does it differ from state to state?
Thanks in advance!
3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago