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Lv 744,104 points


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I am not your typical believer …because I believe the truth not what religion teaches. My journey – I was raised Catholic ….at 16 I turned to atheism and progressed (or downward spiraled) into Satanism where I earned the title of a priest. Those of you who think there is no devil or devil spirits are only fooling yourself. I could take you places and show you things that would make you pee your pants in fear……It is real, I was there, I lived it…..and I almost died in it. The devil is powerful, he is the god of this world, but the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ is more powerful. That was proved to me one November night….and that is why I am here. I have worked the Word of God and studied the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek text. My premise is that if God is perfect so must be his Word and if the Word of God can be broken at any point …we have an inadequate God. ….WE DON’T …The Word of God is perfect …People and mostly Religion screw it up.

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