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  • I love a girl who likes my brother who ignores her?

    Okay so me and my brother met this girl and her sister at a camp and she fell for him (he's 21, she' 18, and Im 17) and things were going well between them until my brother learned she liked him now they never talk. She says Im her best friend but everyday I like her just a little more but the problem is she keeps telling me how no one likes her and that shes unlovable. I try my hardest to make her feel loved but I feel I cannot be more than a friend because she likes my brother. It is a struggle that Im the one who loves her most but I cannot tell her. What should I do guys? She has a good heart and is wonderful, but she is lost through previous relationships that have hurt her and I want to help her get better, it's all rather complicated sorry n.n

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to best hide scars?

    Okay so I'm a 16 year old guy and I am seriously close to relapsing after 2 months clean. I've been selfharming for about two years and I was just wondering what they best ways to hide the scars on my arms. My thighs and sides are fine but I don't want anyone to see me like this. Someone, please help.

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • I really want to cut again...?

    Um so yeah, I've been two months clean. I have been better for awhile but I seriously have been feeling depressed recently. I just want to stay in my room and cry. I really feel like I need to cut. Otherwise it won't feel better... I want to tell my girlfriend but I don't want her to be disappointed in me for relapsing. I can't stand this, it's too hard trying to hold myself back...

    4 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Help on names for fallen angel factions?

    I'm writing a story on fallen angels, I need names for 9 factions of fallen. Each faction can use a different elemental magic, is this a good idea anyway or should I just have one huge city of fallen angels with guilds in it or something similar? Your ideas are very welcome, it'd be a huge help, thanks

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Writing a book on a fallen angel?

    I'm writing a book on a fallen angel, the main character is a fallen angel. What I'm wondering is, when I complete it (by the end of this year) what are the chances of it getting successfully published and sold? Everyone who has read it says it's really good. I have two people helping with the editing so it's constantly improving, would it become successful?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Writing a cute love song for my crush?

    Hey, I really need help. I want to write a song and perform it for this girl that I like, we know each other pretty well and I was wondering if anyone could give me helpful lines for my song I want to make her laugh but also know how much I love her. Thanks.

    4 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • Doing languages for my science project.?

    I'm doing a science project. It's going to be something about languages. The thing is I don't know what questions to ask. Really need help.

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • I'm writing a Japanese mythology story that incorporates Demigods, any help?

    It sought of goes like this

    -The main character is the son of Izanagi and and a woman named Emma. His parents both disappear and his mother named him Izanagi, after his father. 14 years later he meets a girl called Yuki and they start going out. One night as they are walking through the forest they are attacked by Oni. They do some running and kanabo dodging but then three shishi (dog spirits sought of) appear followed by a guy named Riku. They beat the Oni and travel to a hidden valley surrounded by tall mountains and huge forests. It's based on a large castle surrounded by several buildings like a blacksmith and stuff. Eight paths lead away from the centre to eight different subterranean fortresses each one home to a different samurai clan. Izanagi and Yuki join Riku's clan (Minimoto). Later that week they are attacked by water spirits as the tides rise enormously. They leave on a quest to find Ryujin, keeper of the magic stones manju and kanju. But he palace has been lost for no one has seen it in ages so they find Hoori who hunts in the mountains again and he points them to Ryujin. They get attacked by Hoderi who has become sea cursed and hates everyone. Ryujin saves them and they discover that manju and kanju have been stolen. By the way manju and kanju raise sea level and lower the sea level. It turns out Susano has stolen them and they find him somewhere nearby (haven't figured it out yet) and defeat him. Everything is restored and Susano retreats into the sea somewhere.

    Any ideas to help with this or is it just fine?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • I'm writing a Japanese mythology story that incorporates Demigods, any help?

    It sought of goes like this

    -The main character is the son of Izanagi and and a woman named Emma. His parents both disappear and his mother named him Izanagi, after his father. 14 years later he meets a girl called Yuki and they start going out. One night as they are walking through the forest they are attacked by Oni. They do some running and kanabo dodging but then three shishi (dog spirits sought of) appear followed by a guy named Riku. They beat the Oni and travel to a hidden valley surrounded by tall mountains and huge forests. It's based on a large castle surrounded by several buildings like a blacksmith and stuff. Eight paths lead away from the centre to eight different subterranean fortresses each one home to a different samurai clan. Izanagi and Yuki join Riku's clan (Minimoto). Later that week they are attacked by water spirits as the tides rise enormously. They leave on a quest to find Ryujin, keeper of the magic stones manju and kanju. But he palace has been lost for no one has seen it in ages so they find Hoori who hunts in the mountains again and he points them to Ryujin. They get attacked by Hoderi who has become sea cursed and hates everyone. Ryujin saves them and they discover that manju and kanju have been stolen. By the way manju and kanju raise sea level and lower the sea level. It turns out Susano has stolen them and they find him somewhere nearby (haven;t figured it out yet) and defeat him. Everything is restored and Susano retreat.

    Any ideas to help with this or is it just fine?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago