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Noah's Ark
I am so greatful that God really exists , for without him what hope would there be.... All i had to do was open my eyes and look around me in all directions .... In everything i see is his hand ..... the best part ,, is being made in his image... Now i understand how he feels about all things , he explains them all in his own book the bible.... The day after Armaggedon will be the happiest day in human history , for on that day all the monsters will be gone forever...........
Charlton Heston , did you like his movies ? What was your fav. and why?
I guess i somehow miss the qualities he often brought , my favorite was Ben Hur , i liked how it was portrayed as happening during Jesus time ... I liked the way he did Biblical character's but i try not to think that he made a mistake when it came to owning a gun .... and yes this is my first question
24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago