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What COULD be causing my breathing problem?
First off I would like to start by saying that I KNOW I NEED TO ASK A DOCTOR which I will be doing soon, but for personal reasons I am asking here for RIGHT NOW. So if you’re going to answer do not mention that. I’m just looking for possibilities of what this COULD be, and suggestions on what I can do to try to help it.
It feels like something is blocking my airway, which makes me have to take about 10 or more deep breaths. After that, I’m able to breathe “smoothly” (not normally, its just smoother for the air to go through) for a very short time then I have to start it all over. The amount of time this last varies. And because of this I get a headache, lightheaded, and weak. Recently I’ve started to “silently” panic while it happens from the fear of suffocating.
My fiancé has noticed this happens when I get stressed/anxious, which is often since I tend to stress over anything even when I know its not worth worrying about. I also stress and not even realize it. I have a very hard time relaxing, which basically feels like I can’t. And I think and look into things WAY too much, which again causes me to stress.
6 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoHow can we include our cultures in our wedding?
We are both very Americanized and not really in touch with our backgrounds because of it but we would still like to show that we value where we come from. Originally we were planning on adding cultural wedding traditions but didn’t really like anything, so instead we’ve decided just to add cultural customs into our wedding. I’m trying to find things we could possibly add. We’re both mixed, I’m Japanese and Mexican and he is Puerto Rican and Filipino and so far we have a few ideas. For my Japanese side I was thinking something with origami, but for my Mexican side I’m still lost. For his Puerto Rican side we were thinking of doing a Salsa dance as apart of our first dance, but unsure about the Filipino side. Any ideas or suggestions?
7 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoAre you including any of your cultural traditions in your wedding?
If so, what are they?
7 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoWould this look bad/funny?
My bridesmaid dresses are going to be turquoise. I was thinking rather than having all of the girls wear the same color the junior bridesmaid dresses can be blue and the flower girl dress green just to make things look a little different. I'm not sure how it would look though. Just an idea.
16 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoAre you good at remembering dates?
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Important dates in history, etc
15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat color flowers?
Since my fiancé and I are making a lot of significant changes with our wedding we have to redo a lot of our original plans. I’m not sure now what color flowers we should have for the ceremony décor. We’re going for a simple tropical look. Something like this:
Not necessarily with those poles with the flowers (unsure if I like that) but flowers for the aisle and whatever other ceremony décor. The bridesmaids will have turquoise dresses with green bouquets: so it'll have to look good with that.
Any suggestions? And any other ideas for décor or would that be good enough?
10 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoRolls for children in our wedding?
We were going to have 2 Jr. Bridesmaids and 2 Jr. Groomsmen. But now I'm thinking of maybe having only one of each, and having the other two do something else since our wedding party is pretty big. I want them to still feel important because we're having their younger sister as the flower girl. Should I just keep them as Jrs. or give them another roll? We do want them to be included so taking them out all together is not an option for us.
The girl will be about 10/11, and the boy 8/9 at the wedding.
11 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoWhat do you get complimented on the most?
27 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoAsking people to be in the wedding party?
I asked 2 sisters to be bridesmaids in my wedding that was going to be this August (changed to next April). They said they would love to but had to decline because they couldn’t afford it at the time (we were having a destination wedding). I understood that and I was fine with it. But recently my fiancé and I decided to change our wedding plans and just have the wedding at home. Would it seem pushy to ask them to be bridesmaids again? Or is it “ok” since our plans have significantly changed?
7 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoDid anyone go to Hawaii for their honeymoon?
Which island did you go to, where did you stay, and what tourist activities did you do (if any)?
I'm looking for recommendations for hotels/condos to stay at and different things to do on the Islands.
6 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoWedding on a weekday?
My fiancé and I had to recently change our wedding plans and date so we're planning on getting married this time next year on a Monday. The ceremony will be taking place in the afternoon on the beach, and the reception starting around 4 or 5 pm. As a guest, if I gave you enough notice (about a year) would you be willing to go to the ceremony? The reason we want it on a weekday is because the beach will be less crowded than on the weekend.
15 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoWhere to stay?
I'm looking for recommendations of where to stay on The Big Island, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai
Nothing too expensive since it'll be a long trip.
Thanks =)
7 AnswersHonolulu1 decade agoShould I say something or keep ignoring it?
Today one of my aunts caused a bit of a scene in front of some people (family and friends) at my grandparents home (which she and her 2 kids live at) because my grandmother is having a goodbye party for someone at HER home and didn’t check with her (my aunt) first. This is somewhat of a common thing for my aunt to do. Whenever someone asks my grandparents if they can have some sort of party/family function at their home, and my grandparents say its fine, my aunt goes out of her way to tell those people they should have checked with HER first. It really irritates me that she feels she can run the house just because she lives there. I’m at the point that I’m ready to blow up on her because I’m so sick and tired of her bad attitude, being disrespectful, constant complaining, always arguing, having to have the last word, butting into other people’s business, etc.
5 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhat to do on the different islands?
I've been to Oahu and already know what to see and do there. I just need ideas for the other islands.
7 AnswersHonolulu1 decade agoIf you have been to Hawaii...?
Which island(s) have you been to and what would you recommend doing?
I've been to Oahu and already know what to see and do there. I just need ideas for the other islands.
I'm asking here because I'll probably get more answers
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoAre they right to be acting this way?
This is long, sorry.
About a month after my fiancé and I announced our engagement, my grandmother on more than one occasion told my fiancé and both of his parents NOT TO WORRY about the reception because she was going to pay for it since I am the oldest grandchild and the first one getting married. Then, I find out that my fiancé’s mother insists on paying for the wedding ceremony because she feels that the parents should pay for the wedding as a gift to their children. She paid for 2 of her 4 children’s weddings already and wants to do this for her youngest child too (she even said we can’t stop her, she’s paying for it). I’m an only child, my parents are better off financially, but my mom said she doesn’t want to help out just because she doesn’t feel like it (exactly her words. I never asked. She told me this on her own) Recently I find out that my mom and one of my aunts were talking about my fiancé and I behind our backs (which is a usual thing for them)
12 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoAre you friends with any of your exs?
15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago