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how to fix error: Insufficient privliges; you must be a administrator to run this program for the first time?
the problem is that i am the administrator on my laptop and i still get this message.
i am trying to run a game call 1701 ad. its an older game.
1 AnswerSoftware8 years agoShould I try to hangout with a 9 year old girl?
I work at a child care place where we take care of kids after school. two years ago I met a little girl in second grade and we both got along very well. she is a very nice and well behaved kid. she always wanted me to push her on the tire swing or go sledding with her or just play a game. she is very bright for her age and she deffinently favored me over the other staff. maybe this caused me to get a little attached to her but no i havent seen her in about 6 months or so and i kind of miss her. ive seen her around town a couple of times and shes always very happy to see me and gives me a hug. i just want to know if i could/should do something to try to take her to the playground one day or something.
I am a 20 year old male and i dont want any of this to seem pedophile like or creepy becuase its deffinetly not like that.
im around kids everyday and have fun doing what i do. ive been working here for 3 years now it just seems to me that me and this little girl have bonded a little more then the other kids.
11 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years agowhy cant i stream on netflix?
my acount wasnt activated for a while now but i decide to start it up again. so i did and i tried to watch a movie on my ps3 and it said unable to stream to fix it update account info. so i did but its all up to date. i tried watching on my computer too and it says the same thing. i evn tried to change the email but it still does it. why is netflix being stupid?!?!
3 AnswersMovies9 years agokillzone 3 clan for green day fans?
we have created a clan for green day fans. we play on ps3. it is called Green Day Thursday. if you are a Green Day fan you are more then welcome to join no matter what your skill level. we enter tourneys and play regular matches on a daily basis.
Green Day Thursday is a holiday created by Green Day fans to celebrate the band every week on a single day. we have dedicated thursday to be the day becuase it simply sounds the best.
if youd like to be in the clan message me. my psn is seahawks4ever81.
I look forward to playing with you.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoHow can i convince the kids i work with that i have a penguin?
I work at a child care place with the kids before and after school. i am 19 and a male. The summer i started working there, twards the end, me and another co-worker convinced the kids that i have a pet penguin. so now its like almost two years later and this thing is still going on. so they want me to bring the penguin in so they can see him.
I have come up with excuses, all lagitiment, and they believe me everytime. Although some kids are skeptical. i have a name for him and everything. i need ideas to make this more convincing until i decide its enough and say he went to the zoo now. haha.
everyone at work knows this is going on, even my bosses. we all just have fun with it.
4 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years agoHow can i tell this girl i really like her?
so i relly like this girl that lives 110 miles away. its a bummer i know. but weve met just once and we text and have called eachother in the past. she used to like me a while ago and i liked her too. then she said we needed space so i let her have space. now shes texting me again for the past month and sometimes i get the isea that she likes me but im not sure. i want to tell her i like her but idk how.
id like to do it in a cute/sweet way.
and if you want more info about our situation i asked another question earlier about it with more details.;_ylt=Akiqw...
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agohow can i tell this girl i really like her?
so i relly like this girl that lives 110 miles away. its a bummer i know. but weve met just once and we text and have called eachother in the past. she used to like me a while ago and i liked her too. then she said we needed space so i let her have space. now shes texting me again for the past month and sometimes i get the isea that she likes me but im not sure. i want to tell her i like her but idk how.
id like to do it in a cute/sweet way.
and if you want more info about our situation i asked another question earlier about it with more details.;_ylt=Akiqw...
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agowhat is the best green day song ever?
to all green day fans! what do you think is the best song green day has ever produced?!
btw go on facebook and like green day thursday!
7 AnswersLyrics9 years agoHow can i tell this girl that i really like her?
ok so theres this really beautiful girl ive been texting. we mainly just text tho which is retarded. we have called each other a few times in the past but not recently. she does live 110 miles away tho which sucks. we met once and it was super awkward cuz her mom didnt know i was gonna be there so it was kind of secret and she was with her friend.
like 6 months ago we had both told eachother we liked eachother. but couldnt really date becuase of the distance. so it was tough for both of us. then she said all of a sudden that she liked someone else and that i got to attached to her and she wanted some space.
then she started texting me again. and she kinda gives me the impression that she likes me like she used to again, but only sometimes.
85% of the time i have to text her firsta and she usually doesnt reply right away. i have to wait like 1 hour or more. she is a really busy person tho. for example she has classes from 8 to 8 on tuesdays and thursdays.
i want to tell her how i feel about her but i just know its gonna come out dorky or stupid.
is there anyone who can help? how should i tell her? is it even a good idea to tell her yet? agian she lives 110 miles away so my only realistic options are to text her and call her but she usually dont talk on the phone lately so even tho its not ideal id like to do it in a text, i know she wouldnt mind. but what do you think?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agothis person is amazing and i love them?
this person is beautiful inside and out and everyone should be just like them! check it out!
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoHow does she feel about me?
so theres this girl ive been texting for a couple of years. it started out we meet becuase my friend was on the phone with her when we were hanging out one time and then he told me to talk to her so i did we chatted i got her number and then we texted each other for the days after.
as we texted each other we got more an more friendly. we wanted to date each other but neither of us wanted to have a long distance relationship becuase they can get tough for both ppl. (she lives 110 miles away). so then we had kind of a half relationship. we would call eachother most nights and text all the time.
then one day she kind of stopped talking to me. not abrubtly or anything but or conversations happened less and less until they stopped. i asked her why and she told me i was getting too attached to her and she needed some space. now weve been texting just like we are friends and its been going good.
and now she has been texting me more and more and ive been enjoying it and shes been sending me more smilies and stuff. so i yold her i heart her, cuz we are friends, and she said she hearts me too.
so im not really sure what that means. any help on wht it means and what i shoulld do? if anything
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agohow does she feel about me?
so theres this girl ive been texting for a couple of years. it started out we meet becuase my friend was on the phone with her when we were hanging out one time and then he told me to talk to her so i did we chatted i got her number and then we texted each other for the days after.
as we texted each other we got more an more friendly. we wanted to date each other but neither of us wanted to have a long distance relationship becuase they can get tough for both ppl. (she lives 110 miles away). so then we had kind of a half relationship. we would call eachother most nights and text all the time.
then one day she kind of stopped talking to me. not abrubtly or anything but or conversations happened less and less until they stopped. i asked her why and she told me i was getting too attached to her and she needed some space. now weve been texting just like we are friends and its been going good.
and now she has been texting me more and more and ive been enjoying it and shes been sending me more smilies and stuff. so i yold her i heart her, cuz we are friends, and she said she hearts me too.
so im not really sure what that means. any help on wht it means and what i shoulld do? if anything
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoGreen Day Thursday Platoon BF3?
my friends and i have created a platoon called Green Day Thursday. there are currently 3 memebers haha. we would like some more.
Green Day Thursday is a weekly holiday created by a few highschoolers to celebrate the epic band, Green Day. And guess what! we made a platoon on Battlefield 3 for it. so if you are a Green
Day fan apply to join and ill get you in
1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years agohow can i get leveled up fast in BF3?
i want to get to level 40 so i can use the p90 but im sitting at 29 right now. i feel like its gonna take forever to get to 40. anyway to get there quicker? is there any medals that are just super easy to get?
i i play as engineer or sniper sometimes
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agohow can i make my friend think im a cute blonde?
now be serious ppl. im trying to get one of my friends to think this person is real. im gonna tell him later that this was a joke but htis has to be convincing. i started talking to him in a chat room. i already sent a few pictures one was a face picture i found on the internet. any ideas of how i can fool him if he asks for more pics?
3 AnswersFriends10 years agowhat is the best way to use a p90 in mw3?
i love the p90 in mw3 and i use it very well, but i want to know what you guys think. i want to know what you think the best way to use this wonderful gun is. tell me the best way to get a good k/d
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agohow do i get videos from my vault in mw3 to a usb?
i wanna send a video through youtube to my friend that i recorded on mw3 on my ps3 but i think i need to put it on a usb first. anyone know how or is there a different way i should do it?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years agoWhat does this 7 year old girl think of me?
i work for a childcare business at a local elementary school before and after school. theres a 8 year old girl there who i know she likes me but im not sure how much or what she thinks of me. when me and here are playing a game she will have her little laughs. they are genuine laughs but just little "ha im winning" laughs. stuff like like. she also wants to play tag with me all the time when we are outside. she sometimes will ask me to pick her up occasionally.
today though when we were outside she wanted me to push her and a two other kids on the tire swing, so i did. i put my hands on the side near her and was just going to push when she told me to move over and push so that each of my hands were on either side of her. and then when we went indside she wanted to play checkers with me in the cafeteria.
then we went back upstairs to the room we use. and she asked me if i wanted to read with her (no one ever has asked me that before) so i was like yeah ok sure. we went into the castle (little play thing that the kids go in to read). she had to read for 15 min so we set the timer and she started reading to me like she said she would.i helped her pronounce the words she couldnt and stuff like that.
then when the 15 min was up i had to start stacking chairs and wiping tables so that the room was cleaned up for the night. the this little girl started helping me stack chairs. shes cute. can be bossy sometimes but its nothing big. ill also find her leaning on me for a few seconds sometimes.
what does she think of me?
how much does she like me?
im a 19 year old male btw
3 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years agowhat does this 7 year old girl think of me?
i work for a childcare business at a local elementary school before and after school. theres a 8 year old girl there who i know she likes me but im not sure how much or what she thinks of me. when me and here are playing a game she will have her little laughs. they are genuine laughs but just little "ha im winning" laughs. stuff like like. she also wants to play tag with me all the time when we are outside. she sometimes will ask me to pick her up occasionally.
today though when we were outside she wanted me to push her and a two other kids on the tire swing, so i did. i put my hands on the side near her and was just going to push when she told me to move over and push so that each of my hands were on either side of her. and then when we went indside she wanted to play checkers with me in the cafeteria.
then we went back upstairs to the room we use. and she asked me if i wanted to read with her (no one ever has asked me that before) so i was like yeah ok sure. we went into the castle (little play thing that the kids go in to read). she had to read for 15 min so we set the timer and she started reading to me like she said she would.i helped her pronounce the words she couldnt and stuff like that.
then when the 15 min was up i had to start stacking chairs and wiping tables so that the room was cleaned up for the night. the this little girl started helping me stack chairs. shes cute. can be bossy sometimes but its nothing big. ill also find her leaning on me for a few seconds sometimes.
what does she think of me?
how much does she like me?
2 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years agohow do i get a 7 year old girl to tell me whats wrong?
i work at an elementary school after school with kids. they come to us at "kids corner" because their parents dont want them home alone until they get home from work.
anyways, there are two little girls, 6 & 7, that are the best of friends. im super good friends with them too we play games all the time, and i dont want to toot my own horn but i am their favorite staff person. yesterday on the playground the two of them were playing super good like usual and then like 10 minutes before we were going to go back inside they were apart from each other and were both looking very sad. so i sat down by one and ask her what was wrong. she was quiet and just turned away from me. she wasnt going to say anything. soo i tried talking to the other one, she would avoid me. they both would eventually jusut avoid me because they knew i was going to try to figure out what was the matter. then right before we went in the one girl went home with her dad. me and the other girl started playing games and stuff and was laughing and having fun. then we took a little break and just sat there a second. i asked her again what happened between the two of them and she refused to say anything. so i dropped it and decided ill see how they are doing when i go back today.
anyone know how i can get them to talk to me about it?
im a 19 year old male if it matters.
and i know this isnt a "parenting question like the catagory i chose for it but i still think its appropriate.
6 AnswersParenting10 years ago