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Is Jeff nothing but a %&#*@#$?
Who would like to see this racist little punk kicked out of here (since I can't personally knock some sense into him)?
5 AnswersHockey9 years agoHands up, everybody who thought Eli Manning would win more Superbowls than Peyton?
Did anybody truly expect this and does it put Eli up there with his brother and Brady?
3 AnswersFootball (American)9 years agoHow big a story is this?
I can't believe that more people are not talking about Daniel Sedin. How big of a story (and how uncanny) would it be if Daniel won the scoring title one year after his twin brother?
8 AnswersHockey1 decade agoQuantum Leap was one of my favorite shows. Name a better series finale.?
It was so sad when Sam learned he would not be going home.
No happy endings here.
Few shows have ended on such a thoughtful note.
3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago