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The photo is real. Taken on a week long pushbike trip. I have always believed in study and learning. I have enjoyed studying and practicing a range of different disciplines. Not all of them academic either. I love to help others learn. When they can master something it gives me a real buzz. In particular I love my subject and use it hundreds of times every day. I wish others could master it sufficiently to gain the same joy and use from physics. Here are some of my " achievements" Happily married ( 0 years together) Physics teacher ( 40 years). Computer studies since 1966, MIT 2000 Hobby electronics since 1962. Musician (many instruments) Cyclist (400Km + per week), Small farmer Amateur actor.

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  • How to handle an abuse situation?

    I wanted to share this and ask for your thoughts.

    We are told that men should do more.  If you see something DO something.  So I was at a major train station and trying to eat some food before travelling home.

    Two people came up.  I wasn't paying attention so I don't know if they came together or one followed the other.

    Shortly after the male started abusing the female.  Verbally.  He stood up over her and was threatening and intimidating.  She was in tears and obviously scared.  He didn't hit her but he shoved his face down into hers and made it impossible for her to stand up or leave.

    I won't go into all the details of what was said but it was clear that he was controlling and possessive and was really angry that she had talked to another man in a shop.

    One comment she made was "I don't want to marry you any more".

    This went on for fifteen minutes. Now I am 70 years old and I am wearing a back brace due to breaking a vertebra.  I couldn't take on someone a third my age and far larger.

    I looked for any help but no one else paid it any attention.  I couldn't find police or security.  It didn't seem to be an emergency in that no physical force was being used.  So dialling "000" (our equivalent to 911) seemed unwarranted.

    The question is "what could I or should I have done"?  What processes exist to deal with violence in a relationship?  We are told that "violence against women and children is wrong" and that we should do more. 

    But where is the support for that?

    Law & Ethics6 days ago
  • Where are oldprof, oubaas, NCS, Neb, Bill Russell and others?

    With Yahoo about to close I wanted a chance to say "Goodbye, it has been an honour to know you all". 

    For a decade or so I attempted to answer physics questions given that I have a love of the subject and a lifetime of practical application.  During this time I have "met" so many good people who have given their time freely to so many others.  Obviously I only know you via your answers yet because you answer so many I have a significant idea about the character and thoughts of each of you.

    It is a shame that such things are always transient.  They work for a while and then "poof" are no more.  Perhaps it is worse these days in that the pace of change for its own sake is greater.  As distinct from change for the sake of improvement.

    Whatever the reason, goodbye and good luck to all of those with whom my path has crossed for the time being.

    Andrew.  ( I know this isn't a question but so what ).

    3 AnswersPhysics2 weeks ago
  • How to find a movie based on its plot.?

    I remember a movie where a journalist was held in an Arabian palace. She was unable to leave because the place was surrounded by desert.

    Her job was supposed to be to portray him to the world as a modern leader.

    Towards the end he had hired a sound and light show expert to show him rising up to awe the people and establish himself as the rightful ruler.

    4 AnswersMovies7 years ago