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Fish are fine, all the time. Hot or cold, I will be bold, when It comes to fish. for all your freshwater fish needs, you can ask me. about my tanks One 220 gallon tank, soon to contain live plants 12 silver hatchetfish 18 von rio tetras 18 cardinal tetras 12 Sterbai's corydoras 8 Apistogramma cacatuoides (2 males, 6 females) 1 goldie or zebra pleco (havent decided yet) I am not able to participate as much as I used to right now, owing to a multitude of courses I'm taking in high school that are incredibly hard. I try my best to be here, but it isn't easy. RIP Bob the 27.5" silver arowana. Please always go for overkill when weighting your tank lids!
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