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Lv 42,956 points

Sarah D

Favourite answers15%
  • You who think Americans eat unhealthy food by choice...?

    Please read this article:

    This is just an example of how the government works. They take away our options, subsidise garbage food so it's all people can afford, and ruin small farms so they end up closing down.

    Many schools do not allow kids to bring their lunch to school, they are forced to eat the junk the schools sell (pizza, chicken nuggets, sugary milk drinks, french fries, etc).

    Those of us who TRY to eat healthy are forced to lower our standards because of what is available and LEGAL to purchase. Oh and propaganda doesn't help (don't drink raw milk, you will die!).

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • My friend is from England, I'm American...?

    I told him I was shopping and couldn't find pants that fit me, and that I need to work out my hips and thighs more, and he said "tmi, because I'm about to eat ham."

    No idea what that means. Can anyone tell me?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • How can I protect my painted windows?

    At my shop, we have the external windows painted. For example, "massage therapy" is painted, many other words that express what we do, who we are, etc.

    The problem is that it's difficult to clean the windows without cleaning the paint off. We use acrylic paints. Is there a way to protect these letters, so that they won't come off when we clean the windows? Something we can either paint on that will dry clear, or a clear film I can apply that can be cleaned itself?

    I REALLY don't want to have to remove any of the paint that's already there. If I have to, I will.


    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How can I protect my painted windows?

    At my shop, we have the external windows painted. For example, "massage therapy" is painted, many other words that express what we do, who we are, etc.

    The problem is that it's difficult to clean the windows without cleaning the paint off. We use acrylic paints. Is there a way to protect these letters, so that they won't come off when we clean the windows? Something we can either paint on that will dry clear, or a clear film I can apply that can be cleaned itself?

    I REALLY don't want to have to remove any of the paint that's already there. If I have to, I will.


    1 AnswerPainting1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with a sentence?

    I'm trying to write a sentence about a classmate. She is kind of a hippy wannabe, but in a cute, good way. I'd like to say something like "she is a hippy vestige" but I'd like some suggestions of how to make it sound good.

    It is for a speech, so it has to sound clear to speak it. She is a free spirit type person, always positive, etc.... hippy-like.

    Thanks for your help.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • All you Adam Sandler Fans, which movie did Rob Schneider first say "you can do it"?

    My husband and I are debating this. He says it was Little Nicky, I say it was the Waterboy. I haven't looked it up at all, I want to know what other people say. Was it one of these two, or a different one? Thanks for answering!

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago