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Kiffin # 1
Forever Young acapella?
Anybody know who sang the acapella version of "Forever Young" at the close of Nov. 20 episode of "Sons of Anarchy"?
Drama1 decade agoFYI: Hemmings Motor News has just about anything auto related Abarth to Zimmer cars, parts and services.?
Not a question, rather an answer for a lot of asked and unasked questions. Need a part, car. or service? Try Hemmings; guaranteed you won't be disappointed. And, no, I don't work for, sell or otherwise get paid for this recommendation. It is offered to all free, gratis, and for nothing.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoVelcro Weed? What is the name of the spindly weed with small blue flowers? Live in East Texas? Anybody know.
We have a small garden area that is constantly overrun with what I call "velcro weed" because it sticks to itself and my clothing. It's the only thing in the garden to which I am allergic (have to wear gloves when pulling it). It is very thin, with long runners and has very small purplish-blue flowers. It covers everything once it's started and smothers the plants. What is it and how do I get rid of it, short of digging up the entire garden and/or spraying it with weed killer?
It has very shallow roots, fortunately, so I've been pulling it out of the lawn and garden beds, but as I said, I am apparently allergic to it, so I'd rather get rid of it using some other method, if possible.
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWe're looking to buy a new TV. What's the difference between a monitor and an HDTV?
What should we look for (we want a 32" horizontal-type widescreen); WalMart has one that's around $ 600 (more or less), but I don't know if it's a TV or a monitor.
4 AnswersTVs1 decade ago