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Following Jesus is the greatest privilege you can ever have. Turn to God through Jesus, ask him to reveal his plan and guide you. You can find everything you need for that in the Bible.

  • Is support of an orphan/orphanage tax deductable?

    We were adopting kids from a foreign orphanage, which is a legal US 501c3 charity. Due to a natural disaster, only two of the kids were adopted. We had supported all 3 of the kids, while they were there, as we went through the adoption process. So, I'm wondering if we can deduct the support expenses we paid. One of the kids needed extensive hospitalization, which we also paid out of pocket. Can we deduct that also? How much is deductable? What percentage? If so, Is there a max amount per year?

    ...Show more
    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Has Science caught up with Jesus?

    I believe, because I know God, through Christ. But, it's interesting to see how science "learns" that what he says is true and forgets to credit him.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • For practicing Jews: why have 5 calamities occured on Tish B'Av?

    Can you explain why G-d has brought the 5 calamities on the Hebrews on the same day? What do you believe?

    Are there differences of opinion between Orthodox, Reformed and Conservative on this matter?

    Do you think another one will occur? Or is the 5th a final calamity?

    ...Show more
    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What's your best Witness at the door story?

    Okay, if you live within a hundred miles of a Kingdom Hall, you've had them come to your door.

    So, what's your favorite tale? What happened?

    I've invited them in for the studies. I've told them to please stop coming by. I've even had them tell me I'm a bad Christian for not debating or discussing with them.

    How bout you?

    ...Show more
    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Christians in persecuted countries: please tell me what it's like.?

    I am doing research for a project. I'm interested in hearing any stories of Christians in countries where it is illegal or very unpopular to be a Christian.

    Please tell me what it is like to follow Jesus.

    Please describe what you have had to experience.

    Please explain what following Jesus means to you.

    ...Show more
    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Christians: what are your favorite promises made by Jesus?

    I'm working on a study, in which I am evaluating what Jesus taught his disciples. Along the way, I see that there are promises included in many of his teachings.

    I'm curious which promises give other Christians the encouragement they need to follow Christ.

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    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • I am an Agateist, can you prove me wrong?

    They tell me there is a Mr. Gates who is wealthier than nations; who empowers all the businesses and who holds all the data (knowledge) in his Emerald City. They say he has laws and can punish me for breaking them. Some laws (rules) only hurt my system, but he can put me into a hellish prison for breaking others (piracy). They say he has enemies who make other systems to compete with his, and even others to crash the systems of anyone who follows him.

    I DON'T BELIEVE. I looked in the Windows box and nothing was there. I turned over to Linux and dared Gates to smite me and nothing happened. I don't believe in Gates! He is a myth! He's not in the box, he's not in the computer and he can't stop me from downloading pirated music.

    Everyone who believes in Gates is a fool. Can you prove me wrong?? If you even try, I will mock you.

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    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Where can I get free translation of Haitian Creole?

    I'm looking for a better understanding of some words that are not easily found in the basic lexicons.

    Is it fair to say that a lot of Creole is just a slang form of French? Do they make up words as they go?

    3 AnswersLanguages2 decades ago
  • To Seekers and Christians: would you be interested in a discipleship virtual community?

    For those of you who are not attending church, but who want to follow Jesus Christ and/or learn more about Him; would you be interested in being a member of a virtual discipleship community?

    If so, what would you want that to be like?

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    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Evolutionists: Please explain how the Honey Bee evolved?

    Please explain how the Honey Bee evolved.

    When it evolved it's thirst for nectar and pollen, did it's leg's pollen sacks evolve first, or the nectar proboscus?

    Did it evolve it's ability to fly before it evolved the nectar Dance?

    Did it evolve the complex navigation trigonometry after the Honey Dance, or before?

    Did it evolve the ultraviolet sensing eyes before it evolved it's thirst for nectar?

    Did the Honey Bee live in ant hills before it evolved to create hives?

    Did it evolve the ability to make octagonal honey comb cells by experimentation with quadralateral cells first?

    Did the Bee originally evolve it's colony societies around a democracy, or was the queen/worker/drone the first idea of the original hive?

    Did the bee develop the hive cooling methods by trial and error before, or after deciding to live in trees?

    How many committee meetings did it take to conclude that ALL Honey Bee colonies should have a queen and drone society? Is there a law?

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    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Atheists: how many play the Santa Claus routine on your kids?

    Just curious if you get your kids to believe in Santa? Tooth Fairy? Unicorns? Fairies?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What motivates you atheists?

    If you were told that you were going to live in agony every day for the rest of your life, OR that a brain injury would keep you from ever expriencing pleasure again - what would motivate you to keep living?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Who judges whom?

    On Judgement day, who will be judging whom? Will you judge God? Or will God judge you?

    Will you say "You let all those kids starve!", or will God say "what did you do with your wealth?"

    Will you say "God, I was offended by the Gospel!" or will God say "how did you refuse my Gift of life?"

    Will you say "God, you were a cruel master!" or will God say, "Why did you not use the creation with reverence?"

    Will you say "God, your people were wierd!" or will God say, "I accepted anyone who was willing to trust me. Why didn't you?"

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    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Prophecy buffs: Pls describe all references to "the False Prophet"?

    Hey all R&S prophecy students: other than the refs in Rev 16:13, Rev 19:20 and Rev 20:10 - do you know of any other references to the False Prophet in other scriptures? I know there is much about the "Anti-Christ" in numerous books of the OT and NT. How about the False Prophet? Any others?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • How do colleges calculate "credit hours"?

    My daughter has been doing home school courses at college level. We need to calculate the totals. Does anyone know how that is done typically?

    2 AnswersHome Schooling2 decades ago
  • How do colleges calculate "college credit hours"? Does it only include class time with a prof?

    I'm trying to assist my daughter who has done a lot of distance learning, to calculate her total earned credit hours.

    Does anyone know the official method of calculating this?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)2 decades ago

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