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What are 'common sense' gun laws?
Biden seems fixed on attempting to make AR-15 like rifles illegal.
The AR-15 has been on the US market since 1965 or so. It does noting different that the M1 Carbine from 1940's World War II does not do. Or hundreds of other rifle makes and models that are semi-auto. Ban = Nothing accomplished.
To me, this is like outlawing all For Mustangs to make the roads safer - they also showed up around 1965. Meanwhile the 2020 Hellcat and McLaren Senna are safe and sound. Mustang ban = Nothing accomplished.
New York City has hundreds of thousands of people who have never driven a car before - funny how nobody asks their opinion on car and truck safety engineering.
Millions of people fly every year (used to?) you don't see the airline industry and pilots asking them how to design engines and make the cockpit 'safer'
I have a 22 rifle from 1953. I tracked down the Sears Christmas 1953 catalog to see what it once cost new. That same catalog sold semi-auto and revolver pistols. You could order a pistol from Sears by simply clipping a coupon, add your name, address and check the box that that were over 21 to buy it. That was it - it was then mailed to your door.
How did our society go from 'mail in a coupon' to get a gun in 1953 to all the laws we have now - and the problem seems worse?
I think we have 'gun law' painted ourselves into a corner. I feel the solution is someplace else - but nobody wants to look there. Where would you look?
5 AnswersPolitics4 months agoWhy cant liberals figure out Trump voters?
Wont speak for all Trump voters - will say what 50-80 percent think. We did not cast a vote for Trump. We voted against the Democratic party. We voted against riots. We voted against liberal mayors and police chiefs that let cities burn and expected the federal government or insurance companies to hoof the bill. Mine was a vote against gun control - guns being the liberal boogyman while ignoring the fingers on those triggers. I voted against the party that cant figure out what bathroom to use. I voted against the party that claims white supremist are the 'big issue' when those people have yet to take siege of our cities. I voted against 'liberal socialism' that looks more like communism every day.
Yet none of that is in the news. Why do all the news agencies harp about 'Trump' loving voters? Is that the 'slur de jour?" I am sure there are some. But, I don't know any.
Had Dems offered less anti-gun rabid candidates - Trump would be packing his bags today. Instead the talking heads are blaming white people for being 'racist'. Like all the other baggage offered by Pelosi, the crew, riots, are hidden behind a curtain...
Is it too much to ask for a news agency, news bureau, news paper, or show like Good Morning America to stop someone in the street and ask them 'Why?" Its like that old story about blind men examining an elephant - the one at the trunk says the animal is clearly a snake.... the one at the foot says it is clearly like a tree..
43 AnswersPolitics6 months agoNobody discussing repatriations for Irish slaves. Why is that?
In the early 17th century 30,000 Irish slaves were sold to the New World (America). Yet nobody is interested in opening a repatriations discussion for this segment of the population that involves my people. This - is racist.
CNN and Yahoo have news articles about 'Black Gun Owner Associations' - why is nobody pointing out how racist this is? If I started a 'White Gun Owner Association' people would loose their minds.
Congress has a 'Black Caucus'. If someone started a 'White Caucus' people would be screaming bloody murder.
We have 'Black Lives Matter'. But I cant wear a 'White Lives Matter' shirt - that would be racist.
It wraps my guts in a knot every time I see a row boat or canoe..... they should all be burned and destroyed! I cannot help the pain! Reminds me of my people - slaves to Norsemen - forced to row until dead.
Where is the equality? Where is the justice? Why are all the people denouncing racism the biggest racists we have? Where's my check?
7 AnswersPolitics9 months agoSubsonic rounds for hunting?
I have the new Hunter 30 suppressor from Stingeworx - its only 9 ounces. I have a 200gr cast bullet but limited to 1,050fps to stay perfectly quiet. I am having a ball out to 200 yards. My other centerfire cans run 28-36ounces. Having a 9 ounce one on a 308win is becoming my new favorite rifle. I am looking at the Lehigh 176 Controlled Fracturing for hunting. Anyone else using a suppressor for hunting. (Oh, and if its past 200yds the can will handle full loads too.)
2 AnswersHunting11 months agoAre you feeling sorry or laughing at the people standing in line for hours trying to buy a gun?
Just read an online article about New Yorker's driving hundreds of miles into the upstate to buy a gun... and they are mad as hell... according to the folks interviewed. "I tried all day yesterday to buy one online but can't - so I drove 4 hours to here" Another person, "We have a right to guns - but we cant buy them?" Another person, "Politician say its easy to get a gun.... I don't think they have ever actually tired"
Me? At first I wanted to laugh. Then I realized these are the next wave of gun owners. And they will be quite different from you and I. See, we've been owning guns 'just in case'. The people buying guns the past 30 days - they are looking down the barrel of a worst case scenario and dealing with onerous laws... delays that could mean life or death for their family. And they are pissed. I noticed Yahoo took the article down shortly after I read it.
These new owners are the ones who kicked back and thought, 'those new laws wont affect me - I've never been arrested'. I am not laughing. I think they need befriending. What do you think?
10 AnswersHunting1 year agoAre You Prepared?
Soon there will be only two kinds of people - those with toilet paper and those without. Unfortunately, the people who listened to all the warnings, thought ahead, planned, and gave up treats and luxuries to invest in those little 4"x4" squares will be easily recognizable with their lack of fecal scent and clean hands. What will you do when they come door to door, armed to the teeth, demanding to check your bathroom closet and under the sink for T-Paper? Will you surrender the Charmin and Angel Soft...Or will you resist?
10 AnswersHunting1 year agoWhat did you think of the Virginia 2nd Amendment Protest? I am a bit underwhelmed at todays news coverage.?
I am disappointed with CNN, Yahoo, Good Morning America, all of the news agencies. After a full week of liberal Democrats in Virginia fear mongering about open warfare with so many people with guns , putting hospitals on alert, yada we are the day after and it's not even in the news. Yup. Thousands of law abiding people with guns - not a shot
fired, Nobody hurt. AND NOBODY APOLOGIZING for bad mouthing law abiding citizens.
Why is it, with liberals, the sky is always falling, shouted from the tallest buildings - and when it does not happen they all seem to slink away and act like they never said a word? Can someone explain how this works?
I'm glad we have this protest to look back as a shining example.
Your thoughts?
8 AnswersHunting1 year agoAre you following what is happening in Virginia?
What are your thoughts? Are you supportive? Are you going to the rally? Or do you wonder why Virginia gun owners did not see this coming, and, where all these gun owners during the last two elections?
11 AnswersHunting1 year agoHow do I stop iTunes from automatically synching my phone?
I use my phone to take technical pictures. I am constantly connecting it to my computer at work and home. Every time I connect - iTunes makes duplicates of my playlists. Then duplicates of the duplicate playlists, then more duplicates of the already duplicated ones. Yikes. It does not do this to my books, movies, etc - just the music playlists.
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 year agoAre feral hogs edible?
I just read the horrible story of a woman killed in Texas by feral hogs. Lots and lots of comments about how vicious they are. This is an animal I know knowledge of. Is there a reason nobody is recreationally shooting these things? They don't taste good? Or too hard to track or find? Or too dangerous to deal with by only 1 or 2 people?
15 AnswersHunting1 year agoWhat do you think about the new Ruger MK-IV Pistols?
Push the little button and the receiver instantly comes off the frame and the bolt pops out for cleaning. Very nice. Shame the trigger is not drilled and tap for a stop screw. What do you think?
4 AnswersHunting1 year agoDo you have a favorite gun web site that allows 'wanted ads' or saved searches?
I have several 480 Ruger pistols. Rossi Puma once made the Model 92 lever action in 480 Ruger 12-15 years ago. I have 'saved searches' at, Guns America, going on two years now - no luck. Where else can I post wanted or saved searches? Do you have a favorite dealer that is good at finding stuff I can contact? I would pay $$ for a useful tip or help.
Hunting2 years agoLooking for a particular discontinued rifle. Do you have favorite web site that allows 'wanted ads' or saved searches?
I have several 480 Ruger pistols. Rossi Puma once made the Model 92 lever action in 480 Ruger. I have 'saved searches' at, Guns America, going on two years now - no luck. Where else can I post wanted or saved searches? Do you have a favorite dealer that is good at finding stuff I can contact? I would pay $$ for a useful tip or help.
Hunting2 years agoDid you hear the new political joke being texted around China?
An American and a Chinese businessmen are having lunch together. The American is trying to convince the Chinese man across the table that America is better. He tells the Asian, "In America we are free to criticize our President" The Chinese business man looks over his menu at the American and say, "True. But are you free to support him?"
Does it bother you this is true? It bothers me.
1 AnswerPolitics2 years agoI have lost several parrots to a disease and the remaining ones are acting up badly.?
We had several sun conures, a pair of green cheeks and two Quaker parrots. Sadly one of the conures came with a slow acting immune issue disease. We paid a small fortune in vet bills, had a necropsies done - and learned it would affect the others. Past two years the illness took all the conures. The two remaining Quakers horribly miss the conures….. and call for them constantly all day long - going on two months now. They act like a predator is going to snatch them up any second - just alert as all hell when awake. Any ideas on how to help calm them through their loss? We tried new toys, moved the cages, new treats. They are no longer companions and become a chore to keep instead of fun to be with. Ideas?
1 AnswerBirds2 years agoDid you support the Executive Order on Bump Stocks?
If you did, are you now enjoying the rhetoric calling for the President to use an Executive Order to ban all semi-auto Assault Weapons? And by 'assault weapons' that would be an Executive Order against any scary looking guns, any semi-auto, or ones that can hold more than 10rds of ammo - which is the current Mass Media definition of 'assault weapon'.
Did you not know the Vegas shooter owned bump stocks but never fired one that night? Did you know bump stocks have never once been involved in a crime? Did you know that by letting the Bump Stock ban go unchecked we gave the gun grabbers a nice, shinny, new tool to use that circumvents the Constitution? Oh sure, it will go to court - bump stocks are still in court fyi - but that did not prevent us from having to destroy them.
Me. I think if Trump is not pressured into doing this - the next President with a 'D' on the end of their name probably will.
If you own an AR/AK variant I would like to hear your opinion on this.
13 AnswersPolitics2 years agoAnyone else tried the Ruger American rifle?
So.... I am 64 and couldn't see dropping big $$ on a rifle that will probably be toast the next time I roll my ATV. Cheapest thing I could find - Ruger Predator with threaded barrel in 308Win. I grabbed a box of Winchester Black box 168gr BT's..... and color me shocked when 10rds all chrono-graphed within 2fps. I could never get close to that with my match rifle and handloads - ever. Is this the result of computer machining at Ruger and better quality at Winchester? Its is a tack driver.... and all I wanted was average from this rifle. Oh, I did add a muzzle brake. What think?
5 AnswersHunting2 years agoCalifornia now requires an ID and background check to buy bullets - but - No ID or check for voting?
Guns and ammo are a RIGHT in the US. I cannot wrap my brain around why you can vote with no ID in California yet need an ID to buy ammo which is a 2A right. Am I just too old?
8 AnswersHunting2 years agoWhat do you think of Elizabeth Warren s pandering and buying votes?
Wants repatriations to pay Black people for slavery. Buys the Black Vote
Wants to cancel student loans and free college for everyone!" Buys the young vote.
Wants open borders. Buys the Hispanic vote.
My grandparents came from Ireland around 1906, slavery was long gone. Its a great idea - but - there is no way to tell who should pay and who should receive the funds.
Free college? Who pays? Who decides which kids go to Community College for $2500 a semester and who goes to MIT for 10 times that a semester?
Open borders? All of a sudden these hard working wonderful people are being called poison, a blight on our country - by the people in Sanctuary Cities that might have to receive them.
Oh, and don t forget Impeach Trump so she can get the nevertrumper s vote.
Are these the issues you face everyday? Not for my family.
13 AnswersPolitics2 years agoHow do I machine wash a heavy duty soft gun case?
From the manufacturer: It is made out of tough Cordura nylon and lined with nylon pack cloth. Both materials are urethane coated for water proofing. The case was bought new in 1992 and seen lots and lots of service. Never been washed. I have a front loading washing machine that is pretty gentle. I am thinking warm, delicate, and some Woolite? Like how we used to do our dress blue pants when a dry cleaner was not handy? Anyone have experience doing this?
3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 years ago