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If the House approves the strike on Syria that Obama wants, and it goes wrong, will libs blame Obama or...?
So, if the House approves the strike on Syria that Obama wants, and it goes wrong. Will libs blame Obama or the Republican controlled House?
8 AnswersPolitics8 years agoWould you agree or disagree with this thought, and why?
Regardless of what the leader of North Korea and the other dictators want...and despite what MS-NBC, Fox News, CNN, NBC, ABC, etc want us to believe for the sake of ratings...this world is more full of love then it's ever been. Turn off the tv and tune into what's around you!!!
With over 7 billion people in the world, I would like to think that this is true.
1 AnswerPolitics8 years agoDo you count it as a win and laugh when someone blocks you after you present them with facts on here?
Personally, I think that it is hilarious.
I know both sides do it, so the posts to this saying "Conservatives" or "Liberals" are pointless, because both are equally guilty of it.
8 AnswersPolitics8 years agoSo, why do liberals that I know always give me a hard time about shopping at Walmart because...?
of unfair labor practices, and because "every" product they sell is made in China, when all of them use Apple computers and Apple products?
It seems to me that if unfair labor practices and made in China was an issue for them, then they would buy an American made computer.
Oh, and before you say that you cannot buy a computer that is made in America, you can. Sysemax is just one company that does make their products in America.
13 AnswersPolitics8 years agoIf you were the President, and you were given carte blanche to deal with the "gun problem"?
How would YOU solve what you see to be the problem, and how would you deal with the fallout of your solution?
If you don't feel that there is a problem, that is fine too. I'm not trying to start anything, just trying to see where people are on this issue beyond the blanket statements, baseless accusations and petty name calling on here. A stupid thing to try to do, but for some reason I miss the old days of Yahoo Answers when every once in a while we had intelligent discussions and exchanges of ideas.
1 AnswerPolitics8 years agoWhy do so many liberals choose to ignore the law of unintended consequences?
Every liberal that I know, and many that I do not know are always agitating for a boycott of Walmart. Almost all of those want nothing less than Walmart to no longer be in business.
Now, enter the law of unintended consequences.
Lets assume that the boycott of Walmart that most of you want is successful, what happens if the Walton family says "fine, we have enough money to live in luxury for generations...close all the stores"?
I'll answer that for you. Over 1.4 million Americans are out of a job. But, I guess that is okay because hey, you succeeded in closing a store that you don't like, and that is obviously more important than the lives of 1.4 million other people, right?
4 AnswersPolitics8 years agoWill anti-Mormon liberals vote for Reid if he gets the nomination in the next election cycle?
Yes, I know it's a hypothetical (Reid running).
While I do not support Romney, I find it amusing that being a Mormon seems to only be wrong and a bad thing if you're a Republican (I have yet to year a liberal that bashes Romney for being a Mormon say something bad about Reid being one).
And before you say "Reid isn't running", I feel the need to point out that I stated that it was a hypothetical, and that Reid is in a position of power on the national level and is in more of a position to set policy and law than the President is.
8 AnswersPolitics9 years agoWhy is neither candidate telling me why I should vote for him?
Obama keeps telling me why I should not vote for Romney, when I already know why I shouldn't vote for him.
Romney keeps telling me why I should not vote for Obama, when I already know why I shouldn't vote for him.
When is either of them going to tell me why I should for for them?
16 AnswersPolitics9 years agoPolitically speaking, should I have just spent the money on a plane ticket to London...?
Politically speaking, should I have just spent the money on a plane ticket to London so that I would not have to suffer through the morons from NBC reading a script that explains the symbolism of the various aspects of the Olympic opening ceremony to me, and lecturing me about how great the British NHS is?
4 AnswersPolitics9 years agoLibs: Do you want Romney's uncles cousin's mother-in-law's 4th husband's nephew's tax records as wel?
See Steve-O, I can do it too.
10 AnswersPolitics9 years agoWhy did Obama murder one Indian and injure two others?
After all, when the SEAL's took out Osama all we heard from the left was how Obama did it.
When anything bad happened with the military when Bush was in office, it was how he did it.
So, the Navy shot at a fishing boat, killed one Indian and murdered two others. When is the left going to demand that Obama gets arrested for this murder and assault?
After all, fair is fair, right?
5 AnswersPolitics9 years agoIs the new "job creation" standard for the Dems this...?
When your unemployment (including extension) benefits run out, you are then considered employed.
5 AnswersPolitics9 years agoHow come the media (and most liberals) are letting Obama slide on things that outraged them when Bush did them?
Afghanistan, Guantanamo, no bid contracts with Halliburton and it's subsidiaries, extending the Patriot Act and FISA, expanding the powers of the TSA, extending the Bush tax cuts...just to name a few.
I remember almost daily protests and outrage from liberals and the media about these things. But Obama is continuing these things and you people are letting them slide.
I guess my question would be this, why?
I know that these are the things that caused me to stop supporting Bush, and now I have had many liberals call me a racist because I speak out about them now that Obama is doing them (which is just as funny as Republicans supporting these policies when Bush was in office, but being upset about Obama doing them). If something is right or wrong, it should be right or wrong regardless of the political affiliation of the President.
Oh, and before you start with the "Well, the Republicans...blah blah blah"...just remember that the Republicans opposed Obamacare and he managed to get that pushed through, so why are these things suddenly less important now that we have a Democrat doing them?
6 AnswersPolitics9 years agoIs this typical of the standard evangelical atheist on this site?
So, No one cares challenged me to answer a couple of their questions, when I went to do so, they had blocked me (after challenging me to answer the questions).
Is that kind of fear (and hypocrisy), after a baseless attack typical of the standard evangelical atheist on here?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoSo Yahoo, when are you actually going to fix this site instead of making it worse every time you claim to fix?
People on this site constantly threatening others, then there is the spam, phishing...etc.
But, when the "report abuse" button is clicked, 99% of the time all that is seen is "Sorry, something has gone wrong"
Yeah, something has gone wrong...the morons that Yahoo hires to make this site work.
3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years agoChristians, do we owe a debt to Yahoo that can never be repaid?
After all, if it was not for Yahoo Answers, and for the evangelical atheists that obsess about something that they claim to have no belief in, I never would have known that as a Christian I apparently believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old and flat, that I am afraid of science, that I don't believe in evolution and dinosaurs, and that I also apparently want a Theocracy.
Learning this much about what I think and believe from people that don't even know me has to be worth something other than the laughs and amusement that it gives me.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago