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Lv 7169,840 points

Stupid Flanders

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Top 'Do's" in Car buying: 1) DO drive and have the car you want professionally inspected before you buy it. 2) DO walk out of the dealership if the salesperson raises the price from what was previously negotiated via phone or email. 3) DO negotiate one thing at a time. - Purchase price of car, then trade-in value, then financing. 4) DO put the down payment on a credit card if you can. In case the dealer goes out of business, it is easier to recover. 5) DO make sure the dealer pays off your trade-in promptly. You are responsible for payments until it is paid off. Top DON'T'S in car buying: 1) DON'T visit a dealership offering 'specials' where your car is 'a desired trade-in'. These are run by 3rd parties that maximize dealer profit. 2) DON'T purchase unnecessary extras like VIN etching,extended warranties,rust proofing and fabric protection. 3) DON'T take delivery of a vehicle before financing is final.

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