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Toddler and drooling?
My 22 month old is getting more molars so he is drooling like crazy. However it's going to be about in the 90s all week and was the same during the weekend. Because of the heat when the drool gets to his neck and chin area he's getting a rash. Does anyone have any suggestions to prevent the rash and a soaked shirt? He won't wear a bib he'd rather choke himself trying to get the bid off then wear one.
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoChild Custody and Leaving Country?
There is no set custody set in place with my child's father as of current. I am working on finding a lawyer to help out with the situation however I was just offered a job where I will be in Australia for six months and Canada for three. Can I legally take my child with me without risking being labeled that I abducted him? His father has only seen him once in fifteen months and doesn't pay child support. He won't cooperate with him with giving me his address of even phone number to file the paperwork needed for custody papers.
4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years agoBusiness with no license will their insurance still cover them?
A business working without a license that has insurance, if they need to file a claim will their insurance still cover them?
5 AnswersInsurance8 years agoAs a business owner, would you hire another business to do work for you without a license?
Would you hire a handyman, window washer, janitorial company, or painter etc to do work for your company if they have previously had a license and never renewed it and is missing county licenses? Corporate level, small business etc.
4 AnswersSmall Business8 years agoChild Support and Visitation Question?
My son's father hasn't paid anything for the baby since day one. He is 17 months old now and I should have filed sooner, however was too busy working two jobs and could never take the time off to make it to court to file. I am now on medical leave due to a surgery and am I looking into it. He has seen his child once since January of 2012 when he was four months old. I live in Nevada him in California. I know even through court order he probably will not pay so I know he can get driver's license taken away, wages garnishes, warrants etc. Will those warrants be in Nevada where the child lives or California where he lives and and advice or information.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoWhat should I name my car?
Picked up a 1996 Subaru Legacy Outback that's blue AWD wagon type car. It does great in the snow and in the past I have always named my cars. I am stuck on what to name this one. My Vette was Scarlett, had a Suburban named Beast, and a Corolla named Blue. Right now we have a Nissan truck named Sarah, what should I name the Subi?
14 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoHow much will I get for my 360 at gamestop?
I have an xbox 360 4gb in brand new condition (only a month old) with two controllers and UFC 3 and marvel vs capcom 3. Roughly how much will I get for it? I need to pay my cell b4 it gets cut off.
3 AnswersXbox9 years agoWhat to do with bruised bananas?
I forgot to take a bunch of about 8 bananas out of the car the other night and they all froze. They have thawed out and have completely bruised and turned black. Is there anything else to do with them other than banana bread or throwing them out? I would rather do something with them than just throwing them in the garbage.
11 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agomemento mori in the inside of my wrist?
i know prices on tattoos vary greatly i already have 2, i'm thinking about getting "memento mori" on the inside of my wrist or the outside of my wrist so it'll be kinda small like a watchband width. roughly how much would it cost?
1 AnswerTattoos1 decade agowhat do you think when you hear?
i have a project for my midterm and we basically have to pick a quote and draw/paint a picture it can be abstract or an actual picture but only one color of different shades. my quotes are live for the moment and live each moment like your last what do you guys think when you hear them and what color do you think of? i think of random acts like sky diving and so forth and the color red, looking for other ideas or opinions on if it should be an actual drawing and of what or totally abstract and crazy
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agomoved back in with parents been here 5 months going crazy pretty long?
In Feb. my husband myself and our 2 dogs moved into my parent's house to save up to buy a house and they're basically driving me crazy! I'm constintally getting yelled out by my parents about my smaller dog becasue whenever my brother is around she'll bark at him and she barks at him because he likes to chase her around the house and scares her (he's not a kid either he's 24) so i get yelled at to "Shut that dog up!" at least 5x a day yes it's my parent's house and I respect that but they're having financial issues so my husband pays the rent and buys the groceries they pay the electricity and water sattelite and internet. My husband works nights and I wait up for him when he gets home so we hang out watch tv play video games and so on he gets home around 2am so we'll get to bed around 4am meaning we don't wake up until noon or 1pm so then every day i hear about time you woke up and so forth. I had moved out on my own well except with my husband the past 4 years and moving back in sucks! When we go out on the weekend my mom will stay up at night until we get home yea granted she's not tellin us what time to get home but she'll ask me when are you getting home and so forth, my reasoning behind it is cuz she's just being a mom, but it's still annoying to hear where did u go did you go out drinking and so forth. Now my older dog my guess is she's feeling the stress from me so the past month she's been having food aggression issues with their dog and two cats she won't let them get near me if I'm eating she'll bark and snap at them. Not if she's eating if I'm eating. So the other day my dad tugged her fron the back of her neck really hard and made her cry and hide under the couch after she snapped at their dog. Which I know she shouldn't have snapped but it still really pissed me off. Then it's having to hear my mom every day complain about my dad not finding work and i don't know where I'm going to get money from to pay this bill and such and I've told her if u need money let me know and I'll give it to you it's not a big deal, but every single day then she'll say maybe i'll look for a second job from 3pm-midnight and blah blah blah but never does and she knows she doesn't have to. I've told her i really don't want to hear about your financial issues and issue with my dad i have my own issues to deal with i don't need to be thinking about yours. It's worse now because it's summer so I'm not in school or work (i work at a school and so does she so everyone is home all day everyday but my husband and brother) My dad hasn't worked in 3 years because he can't find a job my mom and myself work at the same school so we're out for summer and I'm in colleget too but it's summer so I'm here with the two of them all day. I've told my husband I'm going crazy here and he'll tell me just a few more months because a bank wants to see 3 months reserve and so forth so he's planning on moving us out in January or so but he doesn't really see how it's driving me crazy because we'll wake up at like 1pm and he leaves for work at 330pm and gets home once everyone is alseep. So my question is after that long novel haha is How can I either 1. talk to my parents in a way that they won't take it the wrong way that they're driving me crazy and yes I am living in their home but I'm also paying for all food and rent so don't treat me like I'm 16 or talk to my husband about moving out because they're driving me crazy. And moving out and renting isn't an option because he doesn't want to rent anymore he wants to buy something but we're still about 6k off from where we kind of need to be to buy something decent and get a loan for that's why he wants to wait another 6 months to move out.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago4 year old dog all of a sudden has food aggression issues?
I moved back into my parent's house about 6 months ago (that's the only new thing that's happened to my dog) and about 1 month ago she started having food aggression issues. She's always been really polite with food never growled or anything (i have another dog, they grew up together and my parents have 1 dog and 2 cats but my dogs have known them since they where puppies) Anyways recently if my dog sees that I gave my parent's dog or cats food from my plate she'll growl and bark and snap at them. She's never had any food issues at all. I figured at first maybe the new environment but wouldn't she have started this when we 1st moved in not 5 months later? There are more animals living in the house than when I was on my own it was only myself my husband and two dogs and now it's the 4 of us my parents brother and one more dog and 2 cats, but they have a lot more room now than before. What could be the cause of this new food issue?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMy dog cries every time she goes near my other dog?
Tuesday my pitbull had surgery on her back paw from a fox tail gettin into her skin and traveling a little bit and she has a cast now, but everytime my rat terrier goes near her she starts whinning and crying does anyone know why? My older dog doesn't do anything he smelled her when she came home with the cast and that was it, it's only the rat terrier (she's also the youngest of the 3 if that matters she's 3 the pit is 4) she'll just walk up to her and cry, but they still play and run around together. My pitbull acts like nothing is wrong with her, so why does my terrier cry around her?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDo you have fox tails in your yard?
Ok not totally a question more of a warning just a heads up. So I have fox tails in my backyard I'm not sure exactly what they're called but that's what we call them you know those weeds that are green then turn tan and are kind of pokey.
Anyways my dog's foot has gotten really swollen last Friday so we said if it got worse we'd take her to the vet and by Sunday we noticed a little hole on her paw and it was swollen and red, we took her to the vet on Monday and on Tuesday she was scheduled for surgery : / She has 2 fox tails that embedded themselves into her skin it was a $500 vet bill but she's doing a lot better now. She has to wear a cast until next week and a plastic bag over it every time she goes outside. So just a warning if you have fox tails in your backyard
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoI need a name for my collage?
For my design class we had to make a collage of a place i picked spain and used mainly the castles and cathedrals for it. now we have to name it so far i have Castillos Medievales de Salas and Castillos y Catedrales the 1st one meast medieval castles from salas (city in spain) and the second one is castles and cathedrals the second one isn't very creative but couldn't think of anything else haha so what would be some good names for it or should i use one of the ones i already have and it can be in english, spanish, or castilian Thanks in advance and asked it here for more responces
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago5th year anniversary coming up vacation ideas?
December is our 5th wedding anniversary and we're thinking about taking a 2nd honeymoon since our 1st one wasnt that great it rained a lot and i got foot poisoning :/ anyways we're young he'll be 26 and I'll be 23 at the time we're thinking about waiting until June or July of 2010 to go since I'm still in school and I also work at a school so it's when I can get time off so any ideas on where to go where to stay what to do? we're both very adventerous and are open for any and all suggestions we don't really have a budget right now, but also can't afford to spend like $25k either. we're thinking about a week or week in a half somewhere we've never been as a couple. we live in california so we've done reno, southern cali and vegas many times already. so where have you gone and loved it? where to stay? or good websites to look for packages thanks in advance for any ideas!
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago5th anniversary coming up in Dec where to go for second honeymoon?
We're a young couple he'll be 26 and I'll be 23 for our 5th wedding anniversary. It's in December, but we're probably going to go on our second honeymoon in June or July of next year just to have more time to save up something fun! We're from California and trying to think of where to go, our honeymoon wasn't exacly the best, it rained a lot(it was dec) and i got food poisoning : / So we want to do something new and exciting we've done Los Angeles many times and southern Cali and Vegas and we live right outside SF so we're thinking New York or many something abroad we're thinking about taking a week or so vacation and don't really have a budget, so can you give us some ideas on where to go where to stay or some websites to look at packages, Thanks in Advance
5 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agoWhat are some major things that happened in November 1986?
I have to do a research paper on my birth month and year which is November 1986 about major events who was born, who died anything big in sports world affairs and so forth, and the internet is not helping at all it's only little things here and there or if anyone can give me some websites other than Wiki that has information it'd help a lot or even personal things you remember seeing on the news around that time. Thanks a lot I'm finding things but not enough to fill up a 500 word paper. :) thanks in advance
3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agohome inspection done on mobile home notice of violation?
an outside inspection was done at the mobile home where i live at and now i got a letter in the mail (notice of violation) from the department of housing and community development the violations are
appliances shall not be installed outside the unit exposed to the weather (we have nothing plugged in outside)
extension cord is being used to supply power to a source that requires a permanent wiring method (i only own one extension cord and it's in my home)
there is an accumulation of refuse, rubbish, lumber scraps, paper, leaves, and brush materials under the MH unit (i don't go under my mobile home but maybe i should and clean that stuff up)
the water heater is not properly vented
the MH unit has been altered without a permit
waste water from washer sink and other plumbing fixtures is being discharged upon the ground or into an unapproved plumbing connection.
So the letter says all this needs to be fixed by March 15th, but we're moving out on Feb. 9th because our rent keeps going up and up about $300 every 6 months. So will the state try and hold us accountable for all this? we don't own the mobile home we rent it from a community type place, just got the notice in the mail today not exactly sure what it means for me as a tennant and we're moving out, but at least we're getting out before this place explodes seeing all the violations now.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoMiddle names for a boy and girl?
So we're planning on starting to try next month to get pregnant and we decided if it's a boy he picks the name and if it's a girl I pick the name. So we're thinking Gabriel for a boy and Kileigh for a girl. (girl name pronounced k-eye-lee)
Right now we're thinking
Gabriel Joseph/Andrew or Anthony
Kileigh Madison
Any other ideas would be great :D
21 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago