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  • Is boss better then a factory audio system?

    I do not want a loud crazy sounding car like i had when i was using my MB quartz comp. But i have a 2004 stratus R/T, The factory amp is now blown out and i just want a DVD player with a nice sound that's not much louder then a factory system, Will boss do the job and still have nice bass and treble then a factory amp system

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • can you tighten up a lose stickshift?

    my car has to have it valet parked every day at work, Noticed my stickshit if getting really lose and wiggly can i tighten it up or will it have to be replaced

    2 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • No Messenger?

    I have vista, and i cant find or pull up my buddy list on my messenger, i called for help, i was told they are having problems with the new vista how can i pull up my buddy list and chats without having to talk by mail

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago