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Favourite answers38%
  • How can I act like a cheerleader?

    I'm an actress and I was recently cast in an Arson Awareness video. The role im playing is a teenage girl who gets caught in a fire in her school bathroom. I'm supposed to be playing a cheerleader, but I've never been a cheerleader. I need some instruction on how to portray a cheerleader realistically. Thanks so much! :)

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How can I get a ticket for the Meet and Greets with the Jonas Brothers?

    I love the Jonas Brothers sooooo much! I've loved them before nayone knew their names! I've been to many concerts but I have yet to actually meet them! I don't know how to get meet and greet passes though! Please help! I am dying to meet them!!

    8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago