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dorothy s
I am interested in all aspects of dog training, I start training my puppies as soon as they settle in. I have used clickers for the last ten years; for obedience and heel work to music training. Over the years I have studied animal behaviour and I am confident that I can answer questions on this and on training. My dogs have always enjoyed working and practice almost every day. I have typed notes on HtoM moves and I can send them to you if you wish.
Smart phone problems.?
Smart phone problems.
I have just bought my first smart phone, it’s a Vodafone Smart6 prime 5.0” 4G. (I think that I am techno phobic)My son helped me to set this up, I am reasonably happy with this. Unfortunately he has installed 51 apps and when I try to open an app it says “there is not enough room on this page”. Although I have un- installed a number of apps I am still getting the same message. Please can someone tell me how many apps that I can keep to enable me to open every app?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years agoHow do I switch off "group chats" on my smart phone?
I have just bought my first smart phone and when I tap on messaging it displays "group chats". I cannot get past this to text etc., I never want to use this facility and I want to turn it off. My phone is android made by Vodafone, it's a "Smart6 prime 5.0 4g.
2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans6 years agoI have a problem with my kitchen TV.?
I live in the UK and I have four televisions, one has the Sky box and the others are connected to the Sky box with a magic eye.
The TV in my kitchen has intermittent interference. At the outset I thought that this TV was faulty, consequently it was replaced under the guarantee, unfortunately the problem persisted.
The picture and sound on my other TV’s is fantastic and so is the picture and sound on my kitchen TV until the intermittent interference starts, then it’s almost impossible to watch. The kitchen TV is closer to the Sky Box that my other TV’s.
Nevertheless, I can watch Freeview on the kitchen TV without any interference or problems.
I know that I could buy a separate Sky box for the kitchen TV to resolve this, unfortunately this will cost £11 per month.
I have a wonderful TV repair man who is perplexed.
I have spoken to Sky and they say that they cannot sort out Magic Eye problems. Obviously this is because they want to commit me to an additional Sky Box. Is it possible that the splitter or the magic eye on the kitchen TV is faulty?
Can anyone on Yahoo help, or tell me who to contact.
3 AnswersTVs6 years agoCould pidgeons who perch on my airiel or sky dish cause problems with my T.V.?
The newsagents have stopped delivering morning newspapers to my village, consequently I watch T.V. whilst I am having my breakfast. Unfortunately, I get lots on interference on the T.V. in my kitchen, however I usually watch T.V. in the living room at night. Tonight, I experimented by staying in the kitchen with the T.V. on and the reception was great. I have concluded that this is because the pigeons were asleep. Could the pigeons be the culprits, if so, how can I stop this.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoOpinions and questions about Noel the Supervet.?
Opinions and questions about Noel the Supervet.
I have had dogs forever, years ago I had wonderful vets. Unfortunately they have now either retired or have died. Now vets are more concerned with profit than our dog’s health.
If push came to shove, I would take my dogs to the Supervet.
Nevertheless, this man is obviously a vet who is also looking for profit. Although I appreciate that if vets did not make a profit, they could not pay their staff or buy equipment. However, Noel is promoting himself on TV programmes and at Crufts.
Has anyone noticed that most of the dogs that he treats are dogs which have had traffic accidents? These accidents could be avoided if we all provided our dogs with a safe fenced garden/yard.
Does the Supervet do any freebies?
2 AnswersDogs6 years agoThere are so many daft questions about dogs that I don't answer many questions. How many of you have opted out?
I look at the dog questions almost every day. Unfortunately most of the questions are from kids, idiots or trolls. Consequently I don't answer many questions.
I am perplexed by the answerers on the "top answerers list", some of them don't appear to answer questions. Julie and Marianne have earned their place on the list, however the others don't appear to answer questions. How have these people earned their place on the list of "top answerers"
8 AnswersDogs7 years agoI am usually more into dogs, tonight I am more concerned about a horse. Please can you advise me?
Earlier today, I took my granddaughter to a yard where she keeps her horse. It’s a huge place and we had to walk through several fields before we reached her horse. We were about half a mile away and we could see that the horses were fighting. There were neutered males and entire females in the same field.
The horses were biting each other, rearing up and kicking. My granddaughter wanted to get her horse out of the field, however this was impossible. Her horse came to the gate and she fondled it, her horse was then bitten by another horse. I stopped my granddaughter from going into the field. Nevertheless, I wanted to rescue her very placid female horse from the mayhem.
Do horses always fight and should I have insisted that the horse was taken to another field?
2 AnswersOther - Pets7 years agoI have asked a question about horses before and I am still clueless?
My granddaughter has just bought a horse and I take her to the yard to groom it, ride it etc.,
At the same yard, there is a beautiful stallion that is used for breeding.
Apparently, he cannot be let loose in a field with male horses because they would fight. I am told that he cannot be let loose in a field with females as the females would fight for his favours.
Consequently, this noble horse lives in a pen. The only time that he sees the outside world is when he is chosen to serve a mare. The mare is taken to a paddock and the stallion is allowed to join her.
I usually answer dog questions and I object to back yard breeders. However it would appear that stallions have a life which is much worse than stud dogs. Hells teeth, do stallion all live in a pen and only get fresh air when they are needed to serve a mare?.
2 AnswersOther - Pets7 years agoI adore dogs and I consider that I am fairly knowledgable about dogs, however I am clueless about horses?
I think that horses have a dreadful life. Caring dogs owners socialise their puppy's after they have their vaccinations. It would that no one attempts to socialise baby horses until they are old enough to be ridden.
Consequently horses fear the outside world. They are frightened of puddles and other animals and no one is surprised.
Eventually, they are sold and the owner wonders why they get spooked. When the owner outgrows the horse, it is sold on.
Although, I appreciate that a horse cannot be ridden by an owner who is too heavy for a horse, how can anyone sell a horse that is anti-social
Do horse lovers care?
6 AnswersOther - Pets7 years agoIn view of the revelations in the press about paedophiles, will we eventually accept that this is normal?
Sixty years ago when I was aged fifteen I found out that some boys preferred boys. I was innocent and I did not know what they did. Much later, I found out that there were girls who were lesbians. In those days they were all called “ queers”.
Queers were not acceptable, now we know that people are different and we refer to them as GAYS.
In view of the revelations in the press about paedophiles, will we eventually accept that this is normal?
Those who have been exposed as paedophiles are men who are in the public eye, consequently their victims can identify them. How many men, who are not in the public eye, have sex with little girls and boys?
Will we eventually accept that this is also normal????
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years agoI bought a Clickfree back up system when I had Windows XP. I now have an “all in one” computer which is Windows 7?
With XP the Clickfree devise just updated, on 7 it takes forever. I think that this is because it’s copying the programmes too. Unfortunately when I try to view the info on the Clickfree devise, it looks like gobbledegook.
Consequently, I fear that I will have problems if my computer crashes.
Please can someone tell me which external hard drive I should get?
1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years agoI have just bought a LENOVO Tablet and I am clueless.?
My main computer uses Windows 7 and my tablet is Windows 8.
Is it possible to do the following?
Can they work in harmony, or will I have to upgrade my main computer to Windows 8? At present I don’t have a clue how to do this
I want to take videos on my Tablet and I want these to be saved. Where will I save them? I am clueless, however I have heard about Dropbox, will this enable my desktop and tablet to communicate.
I want to the edit videos and put them on YouTube
I want to receive and send emails on both of my computer. Then if I delete them, I want them to be deleted on my Desktop and Tablet.
The Tablet does not have a mouse, can I use my wireless mouse with the tablet?
I want excess to wherever the input is saved from the Tablet or Desktop then amend them.
I want to watch live T.V. in the rooms where I don’t have T.V.
I fear that I am expecting too much, consequently I need HELP
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoI am clueless about tablets, please help.?
I have a Dell “all in one computer” and I love this. However I am hoping that a tablet can do more.
I want to take photographs and videos on a tablet; I also want to use it to watch T.V. I am capable of transferring videos to my computer from my video camera and editing them to display on YouTube
Although I think that it can do all of the above on a tablet, I want a tablet to work in harmony with my main computer. For example, I want to send emails and view my incoming emails on a tablet. I want to delete emails on a tablet and automatically have them deleted on my main computer.
If I write letters on a tablet, I want to save them in “my documents” on my desktop.
Like I said, I am clueless. Although my computer skills are limited, I am reasonably competent with some of the stuff that I do on a regular basis.
The big question is, can I buy a tablet which will work in conjunction with my desktop computer.
3 AnswersComputer Networking8 years agoI am clueless about tablets, please help.?
I have a Dell “all in one computer” and I love this. However I am hoping that a tablet can do more.
I want to take photographs and videos on a tablet; I also want to use it to watch T.V. I am capable of transferring videos to my computer from my video camera and editing them to display on YouTube
Although I think that it can do all of the above on a tablet, I want a tablet to work in conjunction with my main computer. For example, I want to send emails and view my incoming emails on a tablet. I want to delete emails on a tablet and automatically have them deleted on my main computer.
If I write letters on a tablet, I want to save them in “my documents” on my desktop.
Like I said, I am clueless. Although my computer skills are limited, I am reasonably competent with some of the stuff that I do on a regular basis.
The big question is, can I buy a tablet which will work in conjunction with my desktop computer.
3 AnswersComputer Networking8 years agoI am devastated that another child has been killed by a dog, what are your thoughts?
I had a well trained and very placid Great Dane before I had my son. The only time that my son was smacked, was when he pulled Inga’s tail.
Eventually, I had grand children and three very energetic and well trained G.S.D’s. Even well trained and obedient dogs can injure a child, they become excited when the door bell rings and rush to great a visitor and can knock a child off its feet. Consequently, if I was not in the room to “down” my dogs, they were put into the laundry room.
It is apparent that the mother of the child who was killed, did not know dogs. She bought it from a rescue organisation, who I suspect neglected to do a “home check”. The mother and child lived in a one roomed flat and due to her lack of knowledge, she allowed a little girl to play with the dog. I don’t blame the mother, I blame the rescue organisation.
There was a photograph of a large BROWN mastive type dog with the child in today’s Daily Mail it was wearing a choke chain which was on the wrong way. Tonight on BBC news they displayed a photograph of a white dog which was described as a bull dog.
For some daft reason we celebrate Guy Fawkes on November 5th. Was this dog spooked by fireworks?
At this stage, I will confess to getting three wonderful dogs from a Rescue Organisation. The organisation knew me and in spite of this, they did a home check.
15 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhy are Americans so aggressive in all aspects of life?
I have been an active answerer on dogs questions and answers for several years. Nevertheless, I have always strayed onto other Yahoo questions. I am not into politics, consequently I have never answered political questions.
Americans appear to have disputes with their neighbours and look for litigation, instead of resolving problems in a friendly manner. I appreciate that we cannot condone the actions of the Syrians, however I fear the ramifications.
I live in the UK and I fear that we are now being drawn into a war. Is their another way of resolving the problems in Syria?
9 AnswersGovernment8 years ago