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  • Suspended from work?

    It is day three of suspension and no word of when returning back to work. They stated I was suspended until investigation was not pending anymore. One of my family members states it sounds more like that I am "suspended indefinitely", since they have not given me a date when to return. Says that I cannot trust the company or anyone working there. However, I feel thing's will clear up soon and be able to return. In regards to the issue someone stated that I was not safe to be at work. I agreed to a joke with a peer, while we were sitting in the back room. The person was there as well and made a phone call due to safety concerns. Four weeks later was called in by my manger, the director, and head of security to address the complaint and get my side of the story. All I could tell them because I don't remember much is with peers in the backroom joking and we were all joking. The only thing I could state was that maybe someone took something out of context and made the complaint. I assured them that I am doing fine and have no issues with my job. I love my job actually.

    Does put me a bit on edge. I someone who likes to work and needs to be moving. Anyways does it sound like something that be, "suspended indefinitely." Or just a suspension pending an investigation. I feel that I will be able to return to work, but after a family member stated the other suspension I am bit concerned.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal7 years ago
  • Backing out of car deal?

    I been searching for cars over the past four weeks. Found the car I want worked with the dealer got everything I wanted for the car. I finally had time 12 hours after signing finance papers and putting down a $250 deposit. I found and contacted another dealer with the same car. It is 30,000 miles less, offered everything the previous dealer offered, and lowered the monthly payments $20 less. It is a much better deal. I don't know if I can back out of this or anyway can approach the salesman about this. Any advice be great.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Mom's negative additude pushing me to the edge?

    Hi, 25 year old male. I lived with my mom all my life. I however, help pay bills, rent, clean the house up, and do minor repairs. I am planning on moving out current situation with my mom has made me very depressive. However, don't just want to leave and work on the issues. In need of advice so give you the story of what's going on.

    I am a healthy quiet person. I do no drugs or alcohol. Only time I do socialize is at work or out for runs with friend's. My mom has been very critical of me lately. Stating that at my age she never weighed as much as I do and concern will be fat. Says I don't look cute anymore. Questions my outfits, I wear khakis, saying they are outdated and make me look fat. Says my prior relationship brought me to another level. Criticizes me returning back into religion and questions my motives. Dissapointed in my current relationship with an older women. Ask me to get back with her and get married. Criticizes descions I made in the past anf holds them against me. Then turns 180 very supportive of me.

    I have been honest about the current relationship im, but now I have to hide it. In addition, my mom is going through stress due to work. So I feel guilty telling her what's going on. I am so hurt and confused. I have to be away from my mom hoping will help. However, like I said earlier curious on what else can I do.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Workplace Romance coming to an end?

    Must agree not the smartest but one of the greatest relationships. However, it seems the end is near with our relationship. To avoid taking advantage of the relationship probably going to end it. I work in a hospital and she is my supervisor on a small 30 patient unit. Anyone who has had relationships through work and continue to work together how is it? Is it possible? I appreciate the advice.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Roku or Streaming Player that has the news?

    Confused when looking at channels for Roku. Curious if any streaming player out there has news channels on it?

    2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs8 years ago
  • Study for the NYPD Exam?

    I have taken several police exams in the past score about an 85. Planning to take the NYPD exam in three weeks. Been studying maybe twice a week for the exam. I purchased a book that has two old NYPD exams and one other police exam. In addition, been taking the one on the NYPD website and on Probably will take an exam this week. Two more next week. Then do the one on the NYPD website. Been scoring about 85%. Weakest area is the maps. Any tips on how to study for that area?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Loose 20 pounds in six week or sixteen weeks: What is more doable?

    I am a avid runner and run on average an hour to two hours four days a week. However, stopped running for six months. Packed on a few extra pounds. Just started running three months ago and remaining constant with the weight. I eat healthy, but portion size at dinner I looked at is too much and scaled it back. On top of running four to five times a week with an average of 40 miles a week. I started to swim three to four days a week. I bike once during the week. Lift weights twice or three times a week. Do yoga once a week. Do five days of a set of 100 sit-ups and push-ups.

    Long story short is I want to go from 190 pounds to 170 pounds. Is it doable to drop 20 pounds in six weeks or sixteen weeks?

    Appreciate the response.

    15 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • South Portland Maine in December?

    I am planning on heading up to S. Portland the week before Christmas for two days from CT. I am driving up curious how the weather is at this time of the year? Will be okay driving conditions. New England weather is unpredictable. Appreciate the response.

    2 AnswersOther - United States9 years ago
  • Ever have the feeling your life is a waste?

    I am wasting my life I just turned a quarter of a century and graduated college with a degree in Justice and Law Administration. Wanted to go into policing, but have no interest anymore. Done a couple of odd jobs and used my degree assist me in getting a job at the local hospital. I make about $18 on average. Not sure what I want to do with my life. I am having trouble with my one time girlfriend and possibly ending it. Have zero friends’ just acquaintances I see time to time. Have no career goals in mind and want to return to college in hopes of finding what want to do with my life. I am living with my mom. I am paying rent, but it is to expense to move out without a career in place. Only thing consistent with my life unless I am injured is running and swimming. With a bit of jealousy my cousin who was unsure of his life and is a year older than me seems to be getting everything right. Graduated college a year ago, about to get engaged, working minimum wage, being active, living by the beach, working towards his goal as a teacher, and has his own apartment. I ask myself what went wrong with my life.

    Anyone ever experience something similar in their own life?

  • Question about open water swimming and distancw?

    Started swimming this past Sunday in the pool. Swam for five days. Four days was just right. I did three thirty minute sessions and one hour session. In addition, on one day did one twenty minute session and a forty minute session. Pool was 15 meters. You think it can be possible to swim mile and half swim event tomorrow or is it too soon?

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving9 years ago
  • Beaches on Martha's Vineyard and Running?

    Hi, only went once to Martha's Vineyard in April for a few hours coming over from Cape Cod. However, staying on the island for a week in West Tisbury. Curious about beaches many seem have limited access to residents or guest of the town. I was planning on running to each town during the week out there and make a stop at the beaches. Question is are there beaches open to the public on the Vineyard?

    Second question heard you can get in trouble by the police running on the road is that true?

    1 AnswerOther - United States9 years ago
  • Michael Phelps and Marathon Swimming?

    Majority of the top Marathon Swimmers are late twenties and early thirties. Granted the youth are filling the ranks. Question is do you think Michael Phelps could be competitive in a 10K swim?

    2 AnswersSwimming & Diving9 years ago
  • Athletic Trainer to Physical Therapist?

    I am 25 years old. Have a bachelor’s of science in law and administration. I was considering going back to college and looking into an Athletic Training program. The place where I work pays for two undergrad courses at the college where the Athletic Training program is ran. The college also offers a program where can once graduate be admitted into the physical therapist program. Was planning on applying for the next fall semester which if admitted the bachelor’s degree take about three years and four for the physical therapist. Is it normal for athletic trainers to become PTs down the road?

    2 AnswersHealth Care9 years ago
  • Has there ever been an Olympian that competed in two different sports?

    Is it allowed? Say you have a runner who runs a marathon in 2:08. Also can swim 1:46 in a 10K swim. Would qualify the athlete for both events. Would it be allowed, again?. Thanks

    2 AnswersSwimming & Diving9 years ago
  • Guard/Reserve Officer to Active Duty Health Field Officer?

    Graduated college two years ago with a degree in Business Administration and Justice. Have been lost with career choices. Working various jobs decided want to try to become a Physical Therapist. I was first considering enlisting and see if I can get involved as a Physical Therapy Assistant in the branches. However, now looking at going back for my Associates in Physical Therapy Assistant and then apply for programs.

    I was considering while going through school go for Reserves/Guard as an Officer. Then finish school apply as an Officer Active in the health care field.

    Just looking into some insight. Can a Officer in another specialty apply to be a Officer in another specialty once contract is over? Also can a Officer go from reserves to active?

    Appreciate the feedback.

    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Considering going back to school for Physical Therapist Assistant (Insight into work) and question on COTA’s?

    I graduated college two years ago with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Law. I am currently a volunteer EMT B and work as a Psychiatric Technician at my local hospital. I was considering going back to school for Associates as a PTA and supplementing it with a Graduate Certificate in Nutrition Education. Goal would be down the road applied towards a Physical Therapist Doctor program. I was looking into feedback of PTA’s to PT’s and work as a PTA.

    Working in the mental health field work alongside OT’s more, but occasionally have involvement with PT’s. I have never heard of an Occupational Therapist Assistant until looking through for programs on PTAs. The interesting part is OTAs can bridge into an OT program if already have a Bachelor’s Degree. With observation of OT’s work in only the mental health field would say OT’s work on rebuilding life skills. OT’s create coping strategies and work on lost skills. Where working alongside physical therapist they address skills lost physically. Would that be correct?

    Appreciate the feedback going to look into both areas.

    1 AnswerHealth Care9 years ago
  • Prepping for the ASVAB...?

    Hi, looking to enlist into the USCG. I graduated college two years ago. I took a practice test online. I scored perfect with Paragraph Comprehension and one wrong with Word Knowledge. However, Arithmetic and Mathematics was my weakest point. I believe out of the 25 questions 5 right in each section. I plan on speaking with the recruiter in October.

    I plan on scheduling study plan to better prep myself. Each month up to November pick two areas from the test to study. Study six hours a week. Then towards the end of August plan on taking a Alegerba course at the local community college to refresh myself in the area of math.

    July: Word Knowledge; Paragraph Comprehension

    August: Mathematics Knowledge; Arithmetic Reasoning

    September 1-16: Mathematics Knowledge; Arithmetic Reasoning; General Science

    September 16-October 20: Auto and Shop Information; Mechanical Comprehension

    October 20 –November 10: Electronics Information; Assembling Objects

    November 10-December 1: Mathematics Knowledge; Arithmetic Reasoning

    Question is any advice or tidbits or changes to the plan should be done?

    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Are my feelings about my girlfriend misdirected?

    Hi, 24 year old male. I have been with my girfriend for close to two years now. About close to a year I had the same feelings toward my girlfriend as I do. I did not open up and isolated myself from my girlfriend. She realized something was amiss found out from her best friend. That just sent ripples and my girlfriend was distraught. Believed I was the one, do you not think I am beautiful, and so forth. I do not want to say I felt pity, because she is an amazing person. However, just seeing her so distraught I could not do that to her.

    During that time I was dependent on my girlfriend and her family they would let me stay at their house in bad weather and when I finished long nights after work. Probably the best was open up a whole network of friends. Not saying I am not social just work, sports,school, and my volunteer service was and still my life. Just never spent free time outside of those networks. Feels great have connections of friends through my girlfriend.

    That is whee this story goes. The only feelings I have to my girlfriend and staying with her is for that network of friends and not being alone. I am not sure if it is a phase. I just do not feel we are meant to be. I am outdoors person: Hiking, running, kayaking, tubing, gardening. Going for my second degree so can work in natural resource field. She enjoys TV, movies, studying, history, and being in the library. Very studious person.

    I just feel no connection any more with her. I am lossed on what to do. Part of me feels there could be redemption in my feelings toward her. Part of wants to stay with her to keep those friends. Part of me wants to go because I cannot see where it is going.

    Normal feelings

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • It seems my girlfriend only wants to what she wants?

    I have been in a relationship with her for two years. We recently had plans to do something I let her know two weeks in advance. She then cries day before that she is not interested in going to the city. I am not going to make her do something she wants to do. Then second time around same scenario says I have class work to do, but can stay with me for the day. There has been other instances. Where she would become frustrated if I might not be able to see her friends. I have done a lot of things she wants to do. She is a great person. My girlfriend is upset on the fact we do not see each other much. We only see each other once a week.

    I just do not know how I should read into this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Masters of Social Work and corrections?

    Hi, I am starting to look into MSW programs to begin applying in the end of the year. I have a bachelors degree in Justice and Law Administration. I am interested in working as a Probation/Parole agent or social work in corrections.

    Questions is are there MSW programs out there that focus in on involvement with corrections?
