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Lv 2262 points


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I did not spend a lot of time picking an Avatar, but it is pretty good. I am a High School graduate with some college experience and prior service military. As a member of a few Internet forums I have always found participating in these new and socially aware services to be kind of rewarding. I like to think there is no such thing as a 'dumb question' and also believe people should not be "afraid" to discuss any topic! Yes, there are some taboos in society but these are mostly because people have allowed them to continue and did not put effort in to discussing them and coming to an answer that can be accepted by most people. We can always agree to disagree on a subject or answer, and there is no reason to go to war with someone (or with another country) just because they have a different opinion or belief than you.

  • Can there be an American government v. 2.0?

    As what we are commonly seeing, the U.S. government often gets 'Deadlocked' or evenly split over issues of policy and finance, so this thought occurred to me: This "version" of the U.S. government simply put CANNOT be the 'End all, be all' (best) version of governing possible.

    Could some group, somewhere be "designing" the government which will one way replace America's current government?  If these designers were able to incorporate the best elements of the Republican ideology and the Democratic ideology, then 'update' these with the very best social and civil standards, how would the end product look?  Perhaps even the very concept of Capitalism may be improved!

    I am not expecting anyone to have a single answer to this question but, the very asking of it may inspire some to think of a time in the future when the government of the United States might be replaced by version (v.) 2.0, 3.0 or something better.

    2 AnswersGovernment1 month ago
  • Are Groups Database tables broken?

    I just tried to create a new Group Database table and first it allowed me to specify the names of the table fields I wanted, then "it" (Yahoo! Groups) created something completely different. Is anybody else experiencing this issue?

    I created about eight (8) fields and then the Database appeared with five (5) fields.

    I consulted the Help and saw instructions about clicking "+" to Add a table, but I am using the Chrome web-browser and do not see a button like that. Maybe I need to use Internet Explorer only?

    Any feedback, comments or suggestions on this are appreciated!

    ~ Den

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups8 years ago
  • Can I get a Yahoo Group Description word evaluated?

    A group Description word for clothing-optional beaches and organizations generates a 'The word (blank) is not allowed' message, but the word is very common and generally considered to be not offensive. Is there a process to get the word re-evaluated regarding its appropriateness?

    The word, or a derivative of it, is allowed in Group Names, so it is a little unusual that it cannot be used in the Description. There are 71 Groups returned when the word in question is searched. The word refers to a recreational activity and is also described as a "lifestyle" by some, in addition to being supported by two national organizations in the United States.

    If there is a way to get the word re-evaluated by Yahoo! management, I would like to learn the appeal or request process. Thank you.

    ~ Dennis C. (Jr.)

    Virginia Beach, VA

    1 AnswerYahoo Groups8 years ago