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Digity Day
First and foremost, I'm a husband and father. In addition to my wonderful wife, I have three children. I'm very proud of my family, and they mean more to me than anything else. I'm a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Arts in Geography degree. Currently, I'm obtaining a Master of Arts in Education degree from Asbury University. The years before my wife and family were dedicated to serving my country in the U.S. Navy. I've served in both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt.
What does SFCU stand for?
I have seen many people with SFCU at the end of their screennames, and I have no clue what it stands for. I'm assuming it is a Christian catch phrase like WWJD. When I googled it, all I came up with were different credit unions. Thank you for your help.
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoShould I answer or report bigoted questions?
I have found that there are many bigoted questions on Yahoo! Answers. Many of you have seen them. They are the questions that have the designed purpose of tearing down others. There seems to be no end to the number of people that spread their intolerance in the form of questions. So I am faced with an interesting situation. Should I correct the intolerance posed by these questions, or should I report these questions when I run across them? What would you do?
28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy do so many people work to tear down others beliefs?
I'm a recent member to Yahoo Answers, and I have noticed that there are more people bashing other people's beliefs (or lack thereof) than genuinely trying to learn about the beliefs of others. Why?
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan evolution and the big bang theory be taken out of our classrooms, without causing educational probelms?
In today's world, scientists and the religious right have been squaring off on the issue of evolution being taught in schools. If the religious right got evolution taken out of schools, how would the teachers teach subjects such as biology? If the whole creation process of the universe via the big bang theory was taken out of schools, how would the teachers teach subjects such as geology and earth science?
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas atheism become its own religion?
Knowing many atheists, I have noticed that many of them are more passionate about non-belief than many believers are about their beliefs. One of my friends in particular has more atheistic material than many believers have of religious material. Why do atheists put so much emphasis on something that shouldn't matter to an atheist? Is atheism turning into the religion of non belief? I'd like to hear from both sides on this one. Please respect others beliefs, or lack thereof.
31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago