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Fake news photos from Lebanon. What do you think?

I think it is outrageous! What are your thoughts?

6 Answers

  • Jose
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Thta it might be worstt thtan that

  • condon
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    reliable Morning mountainiron06, Faking dying scenes as you mentioned nonetheless teach that dying/killing is going on, some desire to magnify others desire transparency does no longer cancel what's going on there......... (each and every physique is doing that! which is composed of the Israeli television......) bypass your self and watch by utilising eyes, watch stay why photos. Please do no longer tell me the mountain climbing decrease back guy ability that each and every person different lifeless bodies are no longer actual.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And nonetheless can no longer understand your generalization (Muslims/Arabs) why no longer be greater purpose / useful. Islam rejects lies and refuses telling them and rather undemanding to understand that from any Islamic e book like various different religions. yet do you think of that somebody claiming Islam is a Muslim? Do you think of that somebody claiming Christianity is a Christian? etc... etc... Such case is appropriate to unquestionably everybody and all religions. there isn't any a hundred%, you won't be able to decide that. it extremely is a question of self-mannered ethics and following properly. for this reason, your assertion help in elementary terms in widening the hollow between civilizations and cultures and isn't any longer probable showing the reliable will and spirit, and that i'm sorry to declare that. yet could I ask why???? background books are accessible everywhere and that they are low priced to purchase, in case you have an pastime in looking the un-faked realities. yet all human beings desire rather high priced thinking to examine and understand. we've photos of Israelis perfect women signing and writing greeting on the rockets and bombs heads in the previous firing them to Lebanon. Does this make their propoganda wealthy????????? Or a minimum of, are you able to understand that???? God bless you and peace be with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't excuse the mass murder of innocent Lebanese civilians no matter how you or Hz wants to spin it. And it doesn't excuse the Hz from lobbing over a 180 rockets into Northern Israel either. You currently have the better delivery system however that could change shortly. The whole situation is just really unfortunate.

  • toon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
  • 1 decade ago

    i think that those people will use any means necessary. it is horrible that these children were killed, but it is even more horrible that these deaths are being exploited in a a photo opportunity.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes there are worst &worst pic of killed children this is very sad

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