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Where can I wear a tuxedo?
I bought one recently for a black-tie party, but I hope there are more places I can wear it without feeling and looking wierd.
5 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
just act like a high roller wherever, and remember- every girl is crazy about a sharp dressed man ;)
- phoenixheatLv 61 decade ago
On cruises they have 2 or 3 nights where the men wear tuxedos. So there you go!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
well……acturally u can wear them at any formal party.but my suggestion is tuxedo usually be wore at a senior prom or a very formal cocktail party.u can also wear a tuxedo for in wedding (when it is not u who get married) and when u go to watch an opera.that will make u more gentleman and urbane
good luck!:-)
Source(s): knaurs neuer knigge(an proprieties book from germany) - Anonymous1 decade ago
prom and like weddings and cocktail partys