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Good person/bad sex...?
If your sex partner is a great person in most respects, but really boring/unsatisfying in bed, what can one do? Get another partner or a mistress? Something else. Training and education just don't seem to work. :-(
11 Answers
- 1 decade ago
I'd say have a chat with her. If it doesn't work out I certainly wouldn't recommend going the mistress route...that would be most hurtful. Just move on and find someone else.
Most importantly, talk to her. If she doesn't know how your feeling she can't fix it. Also, try your hardest to to criticize. this will only make things worse, and she will be less inclined to try new things to please you, as she will be afraid of failure!
- 1 decade ago
It depends on how you rate your sex life in terms of the overall relationship. If its really important to you, then I would think about a change. If you only want sex on a limited basis, then you might can survive.
...But honestly, if you're asking, then you obviously care about I would say, find somebody else!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Well I would leave her and find someone who is both. If you find someone on the side you will really be the bad person. You may also want to bring it up to her and talk to her about it.
- e fitzLv 41 decade ago
thats tough, happened to me once too, we eventually broke up. there were other issues, but that was a big one. if practice isnt helping you should consider finding a new partner. sex isnt everythign in a relationship, but its still important.
- 1 decade ago
this is a very good question, i have found myself inthe same situation. i would try to talk with them first otherwise, kind someone who will give you the zsa zsa zsu
- 1 decade ago
seriously, if they are ok with the amount, quality, or lack of anything sexual, and you are not, then you guys werent meant for each other. i hate to tell you that, but it happened to me and i got so frusterated, i broke up with her. i know it sounds shallow, but they should meet your needs. sorry to have to tell you that dude.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Ask her to do try different things... Positions, Dirty talk, toys for her, and there is also role playing.
- 1 decade ago
This type of person has a name: friend. Find someone you hate and f u c k them until they cry "bloody tampon."