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Do you sleep with a guy on the first date?
It seems like many women think it would reduce their chance for future relationship. In fact, I think it's the other way around: once a guy get's over that, he can explore relationship further, travel together, etc., rather then just focus on "scoring". Most of my relationships started with sex after the first date...
21 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
I have..worst thing wasnt even a date..but still..i kinda agree with what your saying...but..not many other guys could say the same...once they get it..they want soon as possible..Ive never met a guy that thinks differently..
- 1 decade ago
to mityaj - nope i definately dont sleep with guys after or on the first date. i usually date the person for a few months and then i see if i give the nookie . it seems to me that sure the guy might get over dat but- i have respect 4 ma self and even tho im not the most ladylike woman in the world its not ladylike . sure sex is about pleasure but its also alot better when it means sumthing .
Source(s): myself - 1 decade ago
it really depends on your comfort level and expectations. where are you emotionally? sex on the first date does happen sometimes, but be prepared if things don't go forward afterwards, some men will want to see you more, others won't, some will start to sexualize you or the relationship, make it more important than getting to know you for YOU. so really, you're the one to answer the question, it can be a risk, depends on what you are looking for with the person.
- drsteve362005Lv 61 decade ago
Sex by the third date is an imperative
Guys figure out whether they are really interested after they have sex with the girl
- Anonymous1 decade ago
You got to be joking here sleeping with a man on the first date. You don't know his medical history etc. Any woman who does that is taking huge risk with their lives. Anyway it not the done thing.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I personally have a rule. I will not have sex on the first date just because its my rule. No other reason. I feel that if thats all a guy is after.. then they will just have to wait until I get ready. If he isnt willing to wait.. then goodbye to him.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I have slept with guys on the first date and I have waited as well.
I actually slept with my fiance on the first date and we have been together 4 years now.
- dave_83501Lv 41 decade ago
Hell NO. What ever happend to fidelity and waiting till marriage? Guess that went out the window years ago. Stupid world.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
depends on the situation, and the mood of the evening, how long I've known him, etc. As a rule, I don't, but there are exceptions to every rule.