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What is the name of the 007 movie where James gets married?
9 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
It was "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". There, Bond, played by George Rasemby, married the Bond girl but was short lived when she was assinated by SPECTRE at the end of the movie. "Diamonds are Forever" followed the flick with the returning Sean Connery.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
On Her Majesties Secret Service.
- sarkyastic31Lv 41 decade ago
Its the only one that George Lazenby was Bond in, On Her Majesty's Secret Service
- 1 decade ago
On Her Majesty's Secret Service. George Lazenby and Dianna Rigg. She was killed at the end by Spectre. 1969
I believe.
- 1 decade ago
on her majesty's secret service - starring george lazenby. it was a weird one, but not bad.