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Why so few women wear "pigtails"?
Only little girls do nowdays...
I think they are cute!
11 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
they want to look mature.. but i dont see any problem with pigtails.. i think its cute.. but a woman's mind is a woman's mind..
- 1 decade ago
i do agree that they look a bit childish but i think pigtails r so cute! low pigtails almost flatter any face type.
adults cant pull off pigtails so well but i like to see them on preteens/teens. why r older kids today so preocupied w/ looking older than they actually are?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
oh GOD i hate pigtails on anyone over the age of 6. they look absolutely ridiculous, and NO FEMALE can pull them off if they're not a little girl, regardless of what they think. lol
- 1 decade ago
I think they're cute, too! I wear them still even though I'm in college. I don't have them very often, though because they stick out like a dog's tail after it's cut. That's probably because my hair is so short, though.
- 1 decade ago
because there hideous, not on little girls though. usually Woman like to look theire own age unless ther over there 20's but that's in a different wayâ¥
- 1 decade ago
Because pig-tails are childish. Although I still do see some women with them. Very few women can pull it off.
- 1 decade ago
because we are tired of wearing them since we wore them all the time being a litte girl.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I don't know I love them.I wear them alot.I also have my avatar in pig tails now.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Because most of them are bitches and female pigs are called sows. May you sow what you reap.