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Are humans monogomous creatures?
Does not look that way... Is marriage just a religious institution that is absolete?
5 Answers
- John BLv 51 decade ago
No it is not. While most people prefer to be married in church it represents so much more than your ridicules question.
Marriage represents a commitment to each other.While we seem to have lost that meaning here in the United States it is the primary reason for marriage.
Without commitment we are people much like a bee. We fly from flower to flower and take what we can get and move on. To simply live together is not much better as there is no commitment there. Each is free to leave at any time.
The institution of marriage is, or should be, the beginning of family. The whole world revolves around family.
If you find a truly monogamous person you will find a hermit and a truly lonely person.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Mityai, you nailed a very good question. Personally, I think that humans are capable of being monogomous. But we are so highly adaptive that we can live a variety of lifestyles. I think that it depends on what we see as important to our very survival. Culture has a lot to do with it.
- 1 decade ago
By nature, we are not monogomous creatures.
And marriage is a commitment, applied by civilized creatures.
By the way, good answer Angela
- Anonymous1 decade ago
The best thing about being human is that we have a choice, unlike animals that are purely driven by their carnal needs.