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how to fix a sticky garage door?

It gets stuck on the way up during wet weather and needs a push. Is there a way to fix it (with grease or something) and how?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    While there may be an allignment problem with the door that is causing it to stick you might want to do the cheap stuff first.

    1) Check all nuts and bolts to assure that they are tight. (Stay away from any tortion springs you may have. These should be worked on by the people with proper tools who know what they are doing. The energy stored in them can hurt you if released.) Tortion springs are mounted above the door, they are not the extention springs that some doors have.

    2) Check the tortion springs to make sure that one of them is not broken. (Normally the door would not open at all if one was broken.) If one is broken call a repair man. I do even though I pride myself on being able to fix just about everything around the house. Too dangerous and would take you hours. The repair man will finish in 30 minutes. If you have the extention springs make sure they are not sagging at the point where the door sticks. They may need readjustment.

    2) Lubricate the door slides and the wheel bearings using a quality oil. Grease would actually be better but would be a very messy job.

    3) Lubricate the chain using grease (if it uses one, most do) and the sproket.

    4) If the above fails to do the job there is one more cheap thing, unplug the opener, and open the casing and lubricate everything in the casing that moves, but use care on lubricating the motor shaft. Too much lubricant is bad for the motor. The gears would use grease, the bearings oil.

    5) I'm now down to alignment problems or twisted metal rails.

  • 1 decade ago

    rub the area in question with a bar of colored soap, watch where else it may rub and address that as well, its better than oil all over and will not swell the joints also.

    this is a method i use for cabinetry draws and candle wax also...its quicker than adjusting, but when all else fails...adjust!

    Source(s): merry christmas
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