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Elaine S asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Groups · 1 decade ago

What is wrong with Yahoo Groups?

Yahoo Groups are so slow - what is wrong? I posted at 6:20pm yesterday and the message just showed up for approval an hour ago. I approved it right away but the message still is not on the board. What is taking so long?



2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    well either yahoo is doing work on there website again or there serves are slow again..that is normal for them..or it could be on your end that your sever can be a bit slow as well and when you refresh something it maybe taking a bit to either way it can be on both just have to bear with this..I had posted in my groups yesterday and it still not even if it is just yahoo..they screw up so much that even a post can get lost when they are working on there site..i know it is very madding

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've seen that before...

    I don't know why it's always slow, but it seemed to me that the more you post something, the faster it gets.

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