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What happends to the garden recycling waste?

Our community has special bin for weeds/branches, etc. What happends to this stuff?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Varies with community. Often it is collected, chipped/shredded and turn into compost to be put on public parks. Sometimes it is available to the public. Call and ask.

    Sometimes it is mixed with sewage sludge and composted for use in special areas where people won't be rolling around on the ground. .

  • landry
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    We presently have a classic (gray) bin this is for commonplace rubbish and that's gathered weekly, we've a green field for cans and glass bottles this is gathered each fortnight (that is not sufficient - I already have been given 2 extra advantageous ones for that ( specially cat nutrition tins and milk cans) so i think of fixing that as much as a wheelie could be a stable thought. We get a blue bag for papers this is gathered on the comparable time by using fact the glass etc yet i don't have newspapers so as that often does not get used. We purely recently have been given a brown bin for backyard waste and that sequence is fortnightly besides. I take the cardboard and plastic beverages bottles to the top each couple of weeks or so as they have the containers for them there. no longer looking forward to bi-weekly commonplace waste sequence - there are 6 persons residing right here and that i don't be attentive to if it may final 2 weeks (that is not often comprehensive now with all the recycling yet 2 weeks ? )

  • 1 decade ago

    It gets all ground up and turned into compost.

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