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What the hell do these kids on here know about depression?
some body i guess between 13-16 always talkin about how depressed they are cuz they girl/boyfriend has broken up with them. talk about depression when you really got a problem like bills, no job, or a death in the family
18 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer a house, get married and have two kids.....the worry about the next 20 yrs.
- 1 decade ago
When you are 14, bills and jobs aren't really a concern for most kids (if they have a computer they probably aren't living in the projects and are able to stay in school rather than work to suport their families). At that age you're full of hormones and changes and of course you can be depressed. It's just as real if youre in jr. high as it is when you're 40.Maybe more so because you have no life experiences to relate it to. Having a girl leave you just may be the most painful thing you have experienced . I remember at that age wanting to die after being crushed by my dream girl.At least they can go online and vent and maybe get a little helpful advice.Speaking of which, I think thats what you want but are just hiding it with anger. Unfortunately, unless you actually ASK for help you don't usually get it. Take a risk. Try " Does anyone have advice for a guy who wants a job and is feeling pretty low?" See what happens. I'll help you then!
Source(s): life - 1 decade ago
Wow, you're harsh! Some kids have depression pretty bad at that age because of the influx of hormones. It makes them along with their maturity levels unable to cope with things that thankfully you seem to be able to deal with as most people who are older usually are. However, children are just as capable as anyone else to love someone and have their heart broken, maybe you have been lucky enough to not have your heart broken. Depression is all relative anyway; what may be depressing to one can be a huge motivator to another. Bills, no job, death in the family, as well as the loss of a loved one through the end of a relationship can all be reasons for depression. I gotta say though that before you start throwing darts look where you're standing...I know people who would say to anyone depressed over bills to get over it; that it's their own fault, etc...and that they have no reason to be depressed, same with no job. It really is all relative to the person's perception and life (13-16 year olds problems are not going to be job related they are going to seem trivial to adults who have forgotten that the simplicty of childhood isn't so simple). Maybe you are having some difficult issues that you are having trouble dealing with?
Source(s): Nursing student and mother of 3 - Anonymous1 decade ago
A lot of kids know way more about depression than we like to believe. Suicide rates are high among teens. Why? Because of depression. Don't assume just because they are young and don't have the same kind of stresses that we have, that they don't know a thing about depression. Those who don't are the lucky ones. But those that do go through hell just to survive.
If you are dealing with major problems in life I suggest you concentrate on getting help yourself instead of getting angry with "these kids on here." Some of "these kids on here" may be just barely hanging on.
- Raven Hood®Lv 41 decade ago
I totally agree with you. Depression is over exaggerated these days, nowadays everyone somehow wants to be depressed because it is a trend, its cool and it shows that you have problems like an adult does too. Hahah.. But some depression in minors are real though, and to those, i sincerely pray for them so that they will be able to fare through the rough times in which they are facing. Although i do not understand what depression is like (being a happy go lucky person especially after a coke), I'd like to say to those whom are depressed to try to find the good in all the bad they see. It will make things easier, and life wouldn't be such a dread after all.
- SchleppyLv 51 decade ago
Although I kind-of agree with you, keep in mind, we're talking teenagers here ! I know at that age, I thought every little problem was a catastrophe. And to be honest, for some of us, being a teenager really DID suck. Adulthood has been a lot more pleasant than the teen years in my case. But your point is well taken. When you're still a kid living off your parents' dime, the worries are generally more trivial than the ones you will face as an adult. But there are certainly exceptions.
- 1 decade ago
Possibly proves why teens have such a hard time dealing with what adults would consider events that are not so tragic....adults have more tendancies to pre-judge, and sadly enough children and teens have learned most of what they know from their parents. If I was a teenager who was depressed, regardless of what might have caused it, i would probably very reluctant to talk to an adult about it out of fear of judgement. So what happens next? A seemingly "normal" kid takes his/her life for no apparent reason. Now that is tragic.
- 1 decade ago
woah wait! you say we have no idea what depression is? puh-lease. You freaking older people may say that you have been through what we have but not everythings the same as it used to be. Maybe when they break up with somebody and they are depressed, it's because they've never seen a relationship last. Almost everybody is getting a divorce. How do you feel when you or somebody close to you breaks up with sombody, are you saying your not sad one bit. Sure we don't have bills to pay but we hear enough people complaining. And there are people between 13 and 16 that have jobs they may not be as hard as yours but we have to deal with the freaking retarded people in school too! And excuse me but how do you know if they didn't have a death in their family! My favorite teacher just died, my parents are divorced, I have problems with ex's, and you know what you could say I'm just a little bit depressed, but it's not like we say it if we don't mean it!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I'm 19, got bills and no job (been workin' soo hard to get one), and have had more deaths in my family in the past couple of years than I can handle. I suffer from severe depression and often get put it simply, my teen years have been terrible.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
i disagree with u 110% u think it really is being a teen huh? why the hell do u think they have those commercials of teens and drugs? its about depression, u think its easy going to school and having to deal with bull **** day after day? u think its easy for a teen to move on when someone just broke their heart? and what the hell do u mean a death in the family teens cry until they have no more tears when someone dies that they really love, so don't u dare look down on teens and say they don't have any depression
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Totally agree dude. Not having a girlfreind for a day, or this girl hasn't texted you back in 20 minutes what am I to do? Its ridiculous. I mean I have to move for the 2nd time this year. Im not even depressed. Kids these days.